I'm looking for a program that lets me makes various changes to pictures so i can make my own wallpapers. I want to be able to add text, & cut an image from 1 pic & add it to another one without it looking like i did it in paint. I would really appreciate if someone could help, Thanks <*_*>
No, i haven't tried Photoshop, but have heard about it. Is it any good & where would i get it? Thanks <*_*>
Adobe PhotoShop or even Corel's PaintShop is going to be very expensive if you're on a limited budget or the means to not take those programs seriously. Photoshop CS2 is nearly $700.00 by itself.. Look into freeware programs if you want to get a taste of the more expensive programs. Paint.NET
or if you have a p2p program you could download it, im not sure how well this post is going to go over with the mods, but yeah...
You don't need to use a P2P program to try out the others...just get them from their respective sites. If you like them, buy them.
Hi, I'm with Morph, I am actually an Adobe Photoshop CS2 user, IMO you cannot get better, though the price tag hurts your wallet... The Gimp is another one to try. Good luck.
ok, thanks guys. i was looking at adobe photoshop cs2, but it looks complicated. there seem to be that many options, etc. ill give a few others a look before i decide. Thanks <*_*>