I have the Logitech X-530 5.1 speakers and I love them. You can get them at newegg for $55.00. I got mine from their when they were on sale for $50 and arrived very quick. Here's the link to newegg if you want to look at them: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16836121118
you cant beat the sound of Klipsch ,hands down the best speaker out there i have a 5.1 surround sound system for my PC and it sounds amazing, and i think i payed like 150 bucks total for them. you can check them out at http://www.klipsch.com .there also my home speakers too
I have Logitech 5300E 5.1 THX certified on a creative sound card. Incredible sound !!!!!! It costed me around $150 on pcnation.com
something else that's just as important (if not more) is your sound card. I got some logitech 5.1 surround speakers for like $150 (can't remember the model number off-hand) and my sound card is an Audigy 2 ZS Platinum, about $200 but I got it for $150 at a computer show. I'm pretty satisfied with it.
I have the Klipsch Pro Media 2.1's, and my wife yells when I play music. LOL The bass rumbles the entire house. And Alphabet, you got your 5.1 system hot, because no way in hell did you only pay $150 for that system.
nope your dead wrong grandpa . i did get them for 150.00 bucks there were refurbished , actually it might have been only 125.00 and i ordered them dirctly from Klipsch NOT at a retail store there headquarters are here in Indianapolis where i live. had them over a year plus and there sound amazing . you just have to know the right channels to go though sometimes when your buying stuff and when i bought my 5.5 home system which is 2-10s and a horn i got them buy one get one free for 500 bucks. i have ALWAYS owned Klipsch speakers nothing comes close to the way they sound. my first pair were a pair of Cornwall 2 and WOW thoses were some real speakers 101db at one watt,kickass output.
Alphabet, if I almost bought a refurbished set of those speakers. The 2.1's are awesome, so I would bet that that 5.1 system will blow the windows out the house.
they blow bose out the water squizzle in my opinion. (no highs no lows must be bose) remember that LOL . but all kidding aside Klipsch have a sound all there own a nice very rich and warm sounding speaker with a incredable low end to them. you can find them at any highend audio store def. give them a listen if you get the chance
For the money nothing can compare to the Logitech Z-5500 5.1's. After finally managing to blow the sub on my beloved Logitech Z-560 4.1's I just picked up a set of Z-5500's last week for $269 at newegg and am completely blown away by them. The system puts out lovely highs and mids complemented by wall smashing lows courtesy of a 10 inch long throw sub. The system also has DTS decoding built in! I love the styling of the control module and they even throw in a small remote. Here's a link for those interested: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16836121120 I also replaced my aging M-Audio Revolution soundcard (M-Audio's drivers have gotten consistently worse) with a SoundBlaster Audigy 2ZS which I've been very pleased with so far.