I do not have DS so which slot is classified as slot 1? the gba port or the nds port. Just list devices and their slots, thanks which modifier (flashcart something) fits in which slot, does a passme have anything to do w/ that? *confused*
Slot-1 is the DS game port, Slot-2 is the GBA/Expansion Port Slot-1 Backup Devices: M3 DS Simply R4 DS Supercard DS EZ-FLASH5 Ninjapass X9TF Slot-2 backup Devices: M3 Perfect (CF/SD/MiniSD/Lite) M3 Pro (MiniSD/Lite) Supercard (CF/SD/MiniSD/Lite/Rumble) EZ-Flash IV For a Slot-2 device to play NDS games and homebrew you need a Pass or NoPass device in the top slot. Slot-1 Pass Device: The follwoing only work on very old original DS's before firmware 3, and need an original game to work. - PassMe - Passkey - Superpass Slot-1 Pass2 Device: The next few work on all DS and DS Lite consoles, and need to be programmed with the original game info they are connected to. - PassMe2 - Passkey2 - Superpass2 Slot-1 NoPass Device: The final round are the newest and need no original game or programming to work, they are also the size of a normal DS cart - Passcard3 - Superkey - EZPASS-3 Therre are LOTS of other out there, but these are the more well known products.
can any slot 1 devices play GBA.. like is there a slot-2 passcard like thing anyway, can a slot 1 device play GBA and does the file system need to be partitioned in a way for NDS and GBA blah blah is there anything special i need. I'm thinking about getting the R4
No slot-1 device can play GBA games, and unless a hack comes out that lets the DS run GBA code from slot-1 there isn't going to be any device that can. No special formating or partitioning is needed for NDS games to run, though it seems that FAT16 64k cluster size improves performance of slower cards when using a slot-2 based M3.
hmm.. So MAINLY for unlimited multiplayer and download play capabilities for people w/ unmodded DS' I will be getting the R4 which uses slot-1 now what would be a cool GBA only card... would you recommend the M3 because it can play sms , gg and other old systems?
An M3 would be a good choice for GBA games, but you may also want to look into older GBA only flashcarts, I was never in the scene when these were around though so cannot give any info on them.