I don't like to use me DVD Burners to rip. But I also want a 16X or faster DVD drive for my computer that also has really good optics etc. So that the finger-prints etc. don't slow the rip down so much. I am using an LG right now and it averages about 5X to start and finishes about 11X. If I give it a brand new DVD that isn't off center it will sometimes start at 8X and finish up close 15X. Is there a better DVD just for ripping?
Well, These are the ones i just bought and am experimenting with. The Liteon 165,166S, and Pioneer 120-DVD Roms. I am also using different computers to do my speed tests on. My first setup is a Pentium 4 at 2.0 gig Biostar U8668 Grand mobo 512MB SDRAM Geoforce 4 Video card 80Gig IBM Deskstar 75GXP Hard Drive Running Windows XP with SP1 freshly installed. My second setup is a 2700XP AMD Asus A7N8X Deluxe Mobo 512M DDR Samsung ram running Dual Channell mode 120Gb IBM Deskstar 75GXP Hard Drive I have tried all three DVD roms on both machines running tests for several hours. And they are pretty much the same ripping sppeds. With a single layer DVD i get up to 16X on all 3. On a dual layer movie i get up to 11x.
Thanks for the info. Since speed is basically the same should I just go for price or are there other features which make you prefer one over the other?
Just so you know I am running. SUS A7N8X Deluxe Rev 2.0 main board Athlon XP Barton Core clocked at 2460Mhz FSB 205Mhz Corsair DDR Twinx LL 1024MB Dual channel memory ATI 9700 Pro video card On board SATA RAID running dual Seagate SATA HD's 8Mb cache Adaptec 2100S SCSI RAID controller w/ 128MB onboard cache Dual IBM 15,000 RPM HDs attached to 2100S Corsair Hydrocool water cooling system 550 Watt Enermax EG651P power supply Pioneer A05 4X DVD Burner 16X Aopen DVD-ROM Liteon 32X CD-RW Lian Li aluminum case and I intend to buy the A07 when it comes out the end of the year. Just in case there is some compatibility advantage to the Pioneer DVD drive with a Pioneer burner.
I had a pioneer dvd-rom is was taking like 40 -60min per rip then I bought a LITE-ON XJ-HD166/XJ-HD 165H 16X DVD ROM Drive now a full rip takes 10-15 I am happy and it only cost 34.00 Diffently a great buy and its not loud like some people say
Ripping depends on the dvd, not the drive. From my experience anyways. I have yet to see a disc ripped above 12x. About that Liteon. It starts up loud and everyonce in a while you can hear the thing reading the disc (the sound of the laser I assume) Very noisy but works well enough for the price.
I have the Pioneer DVD-120. I have had problems with it and DVD-Shrink (my ripper of choice right now). I have received errors while ripping. Checking the DVD-Shrink forums, I see others with the same drive are getting the same thing. I did a little research and also based on people's comments here, I have ordered a LiteOn 166 drive yesterday. I'll let you know how the test goes.