What is the best dvd program to use?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by snakej32, Aug 9, 2004.

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  1. snakej32

    snakej32 Guest

    What is the best overall program to use when backing up DVDs? Please post, thanks.
  2. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Welcome snakej32,

    There are too many variables to answer your question. Are you like many and backing them up on a CD ? On a DVD ? What kind of burner do you have ? A single layer burner ? A dual-layer burner

    It would be as if I asked you, “Snake, what would be the best clothing to wear if I lived outside ?”

    Do you see ? I haven’t told you where I lived nor, what season or the year I’d be outside. Kind of silly, wot ?

    Be more specific when you ask a question -

    Proggys for Free ?

    DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter = Free

    proggys under $50.00 (USD)
    " " $50.00 "
    " " $100.00 "
    " " $150.00 "
    " " $200.00 "
    " " $2,000.00 " = CCE SP

    And like that -

    Proggys that produce quality copies ?
    Proggys that are simple ?
    Proggys that are fast ? Say less than 30 min.?
    Under an hour ?
    3 hours or more ?

    First off, we have a ton of information here and its plain to see you've looked at none of it. We're here to help pple who need help, not pple who are too lazy to even think up a proper question. READ BEFORE YOU POST.

    As you see, I've taken some time to write a fairly precise answer to your ohhh, so very broad, not well thought out question.

    And once again READ BEFORE YOU POST –

    We’ll be more willing to help if you do something, anything on your own –


    PS Your question has been asked and answered many, many times before, you will never receive the same answer twice – Look to our threads – With your current knowledge, no matter what we write, you’ll never understand it and when you finally do learn something about DVD backups, you most likely won’t agree with what we’ve told you anyway -
  3. snakej32

    snakej32 Guest

    When I said backing up dvds I mean backing them up on DVDR discs on a single layer burner. Price doesn't matter, thats why I didnt give a price range. And the most important aspect of the program would be the quality of the backups that it produces. And I'm sorry that it's been asked before and that I didn't see it, it's probably because I don't spend all of my time searching these forums, I like to think I have some kind of a life. This whole thread is for newbies, so don't give me crap about the validity of my question. It even says before you post, feel that your question is trivial? The whole point of this forum is for stupid questions. I said overall for a reason, since it seems as though you don't know what the word means, it means you add up all of those factors you mentioned and come up with the best program OVERALL. One more thing, if its such a stupid question thats been answered so many times before, why just choose not to answer or maybe send a link to an old post?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2004
  4. DiRect

    DiRect Regular member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    Snake talk respectively. You won't recieve help because you just plan to use these forums for help than leave. Well you can't do that here, when people help you it's your priority to help other people. And what do you mean you have a life. We all have a life, and no one is going to help you out on questions that have already been asked. Don't think you have a higher rank than us. Respect everyone on the forums, and search before you post anything. I found your post to be quite rude so I don't think anyone on this forums is going to help you now. Go find another forums where you can dump your money for help because it won't work here!

  5. DiRect

    DiRect Regular member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    Also don't talk to Pete like that, he's a respected member on these forums!!

  6. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    snakej32 -

    Well we also have a life - but I spend my "Free time" trying to help others, pple who appreciate what we do. What do you do with your free time ?
    NEWS FLASH: No way are we your substitute Mommy - here to "burp" you or to wipe your wittle bittie nose -
    It seems that you may have slithered out from under the wrong side of your rock this morning -

    I didn't give you "Crap" -I supplied you with answers, if you want "Crap" I'll give you some -

    I'm truly glad you have enough of an education to read. Too bad your Mama didn't raise you well enough to teach you any "People" skills. Bad Mommy, poor little you. So you want a link Huh? OK, Here's one for you garbage-mouth - it's our forum rules - I don't know how you could miss it. It's title is twice the size of our intro and it says - READ THIS:


    So far you've broken rules 1., 4, 6. and 7. Let's see now, are your math skills any good? When you miss 4 out of 10 rules - that's 60%, a fail grade no matter what school you're in -

    See rule # 1.
    (Too bad our little 14 yr old wasn't taught to wipe his own @$$.)

    A final lesson, learn to respect your seniors -

    Sea Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,

    The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô)
    Compaq 8000, Pent IV CPU 2.84GHz, 1024MB RAM, 520GB HD.
    Pioneer 107, 8X R/W , Nec R/W ND-1300A, JLMS DVD ROM.
    128MB GeForce4 TI 4200, O/S XP [/small]
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2004
  7. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I love it when people complain about free help!


    Did you ever consider that we get tired of typing the same answers over and over and over and over?

    All of us here taught ourselves as much as we could and then asked specific questions when we encountered a problem or couldn't figure something out. We actually took the time to educate ourselves so don't get all uppity if we don't want to hold your hand or you don't get the "the customer is always right" attitude you're looking for.

    Pete has a wealth of knowledge and would've been more than happy to help you, as he's done with so many others, if you'd simply been willing to put forth some effort on your part.

    If you don't like free help then I'll give you all the paid tech support you want for $50 dollars an hour.
  8. brian100

    brian100 Guest


    I think the best thing you can do is download and try a few apps.

    Some of the better transcoders are :-

    Pinnacle Instantcopy (demo available)
    DVDshrink (as pete suggested) (free and very good)
    Intervideo dvd copy 2 (demo available)

    A simple search on google will generate the download links.

    My preferred method is using DVDrebuilder with CCE basic.

    Give them a try..THEN make your own mind up.
  9. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Ho hum.
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