what is the best sharing software?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by hlpme_plz, Apr 7, 2003.

  1. hlpme_plz

    hlpme_plz Member

    Apr 6, 2003
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    i have used kazaa, morpheus, napster, audio galaxy and winmx. i definatly dont use napster or morpheus anymore but i want to just use one software. which one is the best, or others i dont know? i download movies, music, documents, and some softweare.
  2. Liquid86

    Liquid86 Guest

    Wow...you just asked a HUGE question. The answer depends on how much time and effort you are willing to spend on a piece of software. Since you sound lost, I would reccomend using Kazaa Lite K++, for more advanced users there is also things like eMule and IRC networks, if you give me more information on the files you download (mostly movies or mp3's?) i can help yo further.
  3. hlpme_plz

    hlpme_plz Member

    Apr 6, 2003
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    i download movies and music mainly. for movies i download mainly anime and series, which are often avi or asf. i download music once i am board with the previous cd i have burned, mp3.

    also, i never heard of muel, is it better than others??
  4. Liquid86

    Liquid86 Guest

    eMule is a fantastic program, except (and I have no idea your level of experience with computers) its extremely difficult for newbie types to use...most are lost when they first use it, I was and I built my damn machine ;-). Dela has a great FAQ on it so if you're interested in eMule then read away. Otherwise Kazaa Lite K++ is great for what you're doing.
  5. hlpme_plz

    hlpme_plz Member

    Apr 6, 2003
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    the way you are describing it emule sounds great, can you tell me the link for the download so i can try it out? then ill see if i can use it. thanx for everything.
  6. Trucker

    Trucker Member

    Apr 9, 2003
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    the best piece of sharing software i ran across is dc++.

    its a filesharing type of app not difficult to install and you can even chat with it.
    it has a fast growing communinty of users and you will find evrything you need there.

    the only thing is that it is not working with multiplle threads like kazaa or emule.

    you can find it at http://dc.ww-ei.com/

    another advantage of this piece of software is that it automatticlly searches for alternative download locations so if one user turns down the comp the software will look for another user with that software.

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