Please can someone let me know the difference between “Reply” and “Subscribe to this Thread”. I posted a request on April 17th by starting a new Thread. Of course it has now been lost. I understand that I should not bump it up so what now? I wanted to ask for the Thread to be bumped up but I am having a hard time finding a way to contact a Moderator or the Administrator. Rule 13 Is preferable to Start new, Reply or Subscribe when requesting Unlock codes? Thank you, JG
i am saying to you go to the thread ye started and add more info to ye question with another post,that in its self then will bump the thread, clicking on Subscribe means if anyone post in ye thread,ye will get a e-mail letting ye know that.
...and doing a simple search on your own username will show you your posts, ie -
I know how to find my own Thread. My problem is that if you did not know JoeGons had posted a message some time ago, you would have to go through every Thread before you came across it. I got no response to my thread and I suspect the good people that assist us do not have the time to go through every Thread posted over the past week. I wanted to bump up my Thread or post it where it will be seen. Thanks, JG
So tell me Cool, Have you read ALL of my Thread? Do you have a suggestion or are you just being a Smarty?
The purpose of this Thread is to explore ways to make this Forum more functional. What I was working up to is this: I feel that there should be a Thread for requests for unlock codes for each Nokia Model. Be it 1100 or 3120 or whatever. (There seems to be an informal version of this for some models) Members needing Unlock codes or discuss problems for THAT model will post it on THAT Thread. That would require a “sticky” Thread explaining that there will be absolutely NO other places to request unlock codes for the particular model. Perhaps a new rule. A Thread named "Read before requesting unlock codes". The reason for this is that I have noticed that there are some members that respond to particular models before other models. New Threads don't seem to get much attention. For example: Say we start a Thread “ Requests for unlock codes for Nokia 1100”, then folks requesting unlock codes for the 1100 MUST post that request on that Thread. That way, members who specialize in the 1100 can go there to find people to help. Simple but effective! Just a thought. JG