What is the difference between fast recompress and full processing in VirtualDub ?

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by Itakugi, Feb 12, 2003.

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  1. Itakugi

    Itakugi Member

    Feb 12, 2003
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    I have tried to encoding a Xvid AVI file to DivX AVI file by using full processing and fast recompress modes in VirtualDub, but I still don't know what the difference between the two modes is...

    Can anyone tell me what the difference is ?

    Is the fast recompress mode less than full processing mode when I'm encoding a AVI file to other files ?
  2. Twilite

    Twilite Regular member

    Dec 30, 2002
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    I did a search in google for "virtualdub fast recompress" and this was the first thing to pop up. Real easy to use google huh?

    Description from http://www.animemusicvideos.org/guides/avtech/colorspace.html

    VirtualDub runs in RGB when you use Normal Recompress or Full Processing Mode (in the Video dropdown menu). All of VirtualDub's internal functions and filters run in RGB colorspace only. However, Fast Recompress doesn't decode the video to RGB, and instead just shunts whatever your source is into the compressor you've selected - thus if your source is YUV it shunts the video data as YUV into the video compressor.

    This is important because almost all distribution video codecs run in YUV colorspace. This includes DivX, XviD, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG-4, DV, etc. HuffYUV (guess where the name comes from) runs YUV colormode natively but you can indeed compress RGB video data with it (but it will be bigger). There's an option in the codec controls to automatically convert incoming RGB video data to YUV in order to save space if you want to.

    Thus using Fast Recompress in VirtualDub (or by the same token, NanDub) is not only the fastest way to transcode video but also the least costly in terms of colorspace conversions. But the drawback is you cannot you any of VirtualDub's filters in Fast Recompress mode
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