What is it and how do I install it on my computer? I'm not exactly computer illiterate, and do know that a cfm extension is a Cold Fusion Markup extension, but is there something special I need to have installed on my computer (like COLD Fusion) before I can install the downloads?
I guess it would be helpful to know where you are seeing this, or what you are doing when the computer asks to install it.
OK, I'll clarify. Everything I dowload form this site is followed by a CFM extension. DVD2one, Nero and DVD Decrypter all have this extension and nothing reads them. The do not open up. Period... ???
How big are these files? It looks like it is a way of displaying web pages, for example this thread has a .cfm extention. (http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/44761 The reason I ask how big the files you are downloading are is you might be downloading a pointer, rather than the actual file. For example if you try to download one of the trailers from apple.com by right clicking and saying "save target as" you'll get a htm or html file, not the trailer.
The sizes are 752K, 456K and 3.6Megs... Should I load some sort of cold fusion viewer??? I can see all of these pages and notice that there is a cfm extension in the address of this particular page.
OK, when I open them up on my Mac (here at work, rather than on my PC at home) it opens an IE browser window and displays a bunch of code. Amongs the code on the first line is the phrase, "This program cannot be run in DOS mode"...???
Yes, you'll need some sort of Cold Fusion Viewer. I just confirmed with our web page designer here at work and he confirms that Cold Fusion is an Engine to configure web pages. (still trying to figure out how this has anything to do with DVD-R.)
OK, this is getting ridiculous. Macromedia has no cold fusion viewer that I could find. Doesn't anyone know what I'm talking about??? Ken0042, I totally appreciate your assistance, but every file for download on this site is followed by a cfm extension, I just figured someone would know what I am having difficulties with. Ken, for example, go to: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/dvd_decrypter.cfm Go to download at the bottom click it, and then follow the prompts to download the software. It will load a file called dawnload.cfm to your desktop, 756K in size.
It downloaded the exe file.(SetupDVDDecrypter.exe) But it was 753 KB. What happens when you rename the extention to .exe from .cfm? Sorry I'm not being of much help; I appear to be the only reg online right now. Must be a Manchester United game on or something.
No problem, thank you for your help. I will rename it and see if that works. Thanks! I'll post tomorrow and let you know if it works. It may be because I am on a MAC that I am having this problem...
For anyone out there on a MAC, this was the issue...: MACs don't read exe files so it renamed it after the language the file was transferred with. something to that effect, anyway. Just replaced the cfm extension with .exe and it was like magic!!! thanks for your help, Ken.
Glad you got it sorted out. Also, I'd like to appologize. I was reading it wrong; when you were saying "this site" I was reading it as "this one site I get downloads from" rather than "afterdawn.com" lol I must have been having a brain freeze yesterday.