Ok I am desperately trying to install XBMC, but nothing is working, and im searching the web liek no other to find out how to do this. I have tried one sites tut where it says to just ftp over certain folders, and default xbe, but there is no default xbe! and then on the xbox media center.com is shows how to install to dash and to apps and im trying to install to apps. and so i followed that one too. And then on there download page it says that you need to compile or something? and have to have a bunch of liek software sh*t to do this! but i dont get it cause no other websites say anything about that. so what the Freak do i do!?!?! Please Help!
If u cant FTP XBMC to your xbox burn it onto a disk using nero but if XBMC is an rar file use this tutorial tells how to burn rar files onto a disk..XBMC goes on E:\apps http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/405943 as for XBMC download here it's not the newest but u can update it http://files.filefront.com/XBMC+CVS+2006+07+25+T3CHrar/;5356650;;/fileinfo.html
I think what your problem might be is that you have transfered the files, but it's not showing up in your menu!? Correct? For an easy alternative, download AID 3.0 and install it directly from the disc. It pathes your evox.ini file and all!
Great, wanna fill in the rest of us with your solution for further troubleshooting purposes!? This also improves the search functions ability to find solutions, not just problems!
Well this is what i can tell you, lol, that i am a complete idiot and i was downloading the source file, instead of the compiled version. So if you want to put XBMC onto your apps list in evox make sure you get the right download!