There is a process called "wqajne.exe" in my task manager. It is a hidden file that's located in system32 folder. I can't find any info about it and get rid of it as well. The reason I can't delete this file is the folder setting. The folder setting and the registry code change back right after I change them. And that prevent me from viewing hidden files. I think the unknown file and the folder setting problem are correlated. Can somebody please help me with this?
Likley a random filename created by something. A hjt log would be your first step. From your other (double post) you will hear about that lol, Try a couple of interesting experiments. 1 - Kill the process in task manager and see if anything stops working. 2 - Rename the file wqajne.exe to wqajne.old and reboot and see if anything complain's. you can always rename it back to .exe