what is your job?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by bombayboy, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. bombayboy

    bombayboy Regular member

    Feb 25, 2005
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    hi, im just curious here, im a 15 year old boy and just wanna find out what you guys out there do for a living...i just want to see what is the most popular profession.what about me? you might be asking...well i wanna be a architect(spelt it right?...hmmmmm)
  2. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Take it from me,Get your college degree in something that you can easily find a job in that field.

    I temper automotive glass for gm/honda/toyota/ford/and just about all the other automakers. I work a furnace that heats the flat glass up to around 720 degrees centigrade and quench it with cold air when it comes out of the furnace at 650 degrees centigrade.
    Switching from part to part,we have to open up that furnace/put on hot suits/hoods with shields/and kevlar hot gloves..
    The summertime is miserable with the humidity in my locality,thank goodness fall is near.

    I've worked with many college graduates who make the same amount of money as I do because they took Phsical education and other easy courses that they couldn't get a job that paid more than my factory.

    How about robotics?
    My factory is putting them in right and left.That's what is keeping me on the night shift.It takes 2 robots to do the job of 1 person.
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    - i hear ya saugmon, one of my reasons for trying to get out of Computer Operations (i started in computers as a whim when i was 17) was that companies are obviously always striving to reduce costs. I'm a Unix Architect now, but the cutting costs doesn't ever let up, in fact it does annoy me. Hopefully this year i will b out of I.T. for good.

    @bombayboy - However, I.T. still has good jobs, it's just not for me anymore, i've done 19yrs now, need a change. There's no such thing as a job for life these days, skills have to be easily updated. i retrained once, now i'm looking to do it again once out of I.T., and as i get older i have to keep sharp incase i have to go back into I.T. again..
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2005
  4. SadJoker

    SadJoker Regular member

    Oct 28, 2002
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    college degrees are worthless anymore. their just pieces of paper saying you spent x yrs in college and that you graduated, means NOTHING. I know guys that have gotten their master's degrees and what are they doing now? working meanignless go nowhere jobs anyway cause their degree isnt worth the paper its printed on. Tis why I quit college after 2 semsters cause it was a waste of my time, money and effort.

    Now anyway, what do I do for a living? Im Master of the Mop, Duke of Dusting :) In all seriouness, Im a Floor maintence Technican ie I clean floors for malls, stores etc professionally. Pay isnt great but its good not having a boss hovering over me all the time, I get paid to goof off 6 outta 8 hrs a nite/shift. I sleep 4 hrs during each shift, do 2 hrs of work and nobody is the wiser :p
  5. thecraigc

    thecraigc Regular member

    Mar 10, 2005
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    hey bombayboy, ur just like me, 15, want to be an architect (can't spell it either), wanting to know something to do as a job, but i got an idea, when i leave school at the age of 18 i work in the cinema (UGC) for a year then spend 7 years in uni trying to get a degre in architectur whilst leaching off my parents, got my whole life planed out.

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2005
  6. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    Then: I used to work in the I.T dept. for 7 1/2 years. Lots of stress plus tons of headaches. Finally, I'm glad that I'm out of it.

    Now: This is my 2nd years and I'm currently working in a big Medical Industry (Corporation - no name here because I prefer it to be confidential). We build/manufactured defibrillators for people all over the world whom has a weak heart (CHF). In other word, I save people everyday to live their lives longer. It's good to be alive.

    There are tons of jobs and careers out there, so do whatever that's floating in your boat. As long as you're happy, then it's all good.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2005
  7. wrf01a

    wrf01a Member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    Sadjoker has no idea what he is talking about. Only a fool would listen to that crap!!!

    Finish High School, then GET A COLLEGE EDUCATION. PERIOD!!!!!

    I currently work as a 12Volt Specialist. A fancy term for if you want it installed in your car I can do it. You want Dish Network in your Chevy Tahoe I can do it, I've done it. But its hard work.

    I am 45 years old and I have worked very hard all my life. I started back to College in 1996 and I started my senior year this year. I will graduate in 2007 with a B.S in Mathematics and my salary will DOUBLE overnight. I have learned alot the hard way, please do NOT go the route that many of us chose. The Lord has blessed me because many people my age are not able to return to school.

    Stay in school --> Read what Saugmon posted again.

    And to sadjoker, no offense was intended and if you toke offense to what I said I will offer you an appology.
  8. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yeah a college degree is great as long as your in the right feild
    if your there to party and there because all your freinds went then you will have tough times ahead .so def. magor in something you can get a GOOD job in and go from there and remember you probably going to be doing the job for around 40 to 45 years so make sure your going to be happy with what your doing.
    buy the time i retire i will have probably around 50 years of fulltime work in my lifetime
  9. thelox714

    thelox714 Regular member

    Apr 16, 2005
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    hell.. i wish i was 15.. i'm only 24 now.. i know i'm still young but 15 were HS years.. nothing to worry about but getting passing grades..

    now i sell computers.. (company will remain nameless). i sell mainly macintosh. get ppl on the phone that dont know what they want.
    looking for free tech help b.c they dont wanna call apple and spend the money. ppl that dont know what they have... yet they need parts for it. orders that didnt go right.. getting yelled at.

    pay is fairly decent... much better than my last job. we do work on comission and of course we go after it.. but i dont sell you something you dont need.. *i swear i'm not just saying that*.
    i've turned down orders because customers looking to do something heavy with the machine when i know damn well what the machine can do.

    lot of ppl mis-ordering on the website and expecting us to pull miaracles out of our A$&. claming stuff that's nowhere near true..

    but anyways.. go to college.. get a degree.. get an edu-ma-cation.
    find something you love to do and keep at it.

  10. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    I'm a firefighter for the U.S. Air Force. Doin' it 9yrs and I'll be 27 on the 15th of Sept.

    I have a profession and when I get out of the military I'll be able to find a job easy with my certifications and prior background but I still am getting an education. It is important to your future whether it seems like it or not now. Haing a degree doesn't mean that once you graduate a job will be waiting for you it simply means that, "You now have the knowledge to hold a profession in your expertise and excel". You still have to job hunt just like the guy who dropped out of junior high, high school, or graduated next to you...your degree just shows your level of knowledge. GET YOUR EDUCATION!!

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