What kind of graph is this and how would I enter it in to a calculator?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by gishtien, Sep 26, 2008.

  1. gishtien

    gishtien Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    Right now I'm taking geometry and adv. algebra because I love math and I like to study even further but anyways my algebra teacher showed me this functions/trigonometry assignment where you have to find the slope, minimum, and maximum range of each line, and he asked if I knew how to make the equations to put into a calculator to graph those lines because he didn't know how but was also curious. So I'd really like it if someone could show me what to put into the calculator it would be nice.[​IMG]
  2. 1bonehead

    1bonehead Guest

    Y in 3 situations

    1) y= 5x when 0<x<1 here slope =5=m, b=0 x is > and = o, but < and equal to 1

    2) y= 5 when 1<x<4 here m = 0 = m = slope

    3) y= 1/5x when 4<x<5 here m = 1/5 = slope x is > and eqaul to 4 ans < and equal to 5

    Remember y = mx + b
  3. gishtien

    gishtien Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    I already know the slopes, maximum,and minimum domains and ranges. I just need to know what to type into a calculator to get that to show. I've already tried typing "y1=5x and x>=0 and x<=1"(the line doesn't go up at all it just starts at 0 goes right to 1) and "y1=5x,x>=0,x<=1"(displays comma as an error) and "y1=5x and x>=0 and x<=1 and y>=0 and y<=5"(displays y as an error)
  4. 1bonehead

    1bonehead Guest

    Depends on the make and model of the graphing calculator

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