I downloaded a couple of CSI shows from limewire.com that's in avi format. Right now, I'm using NVE to burn it. I wish I could stop there, but NVE freezes up when I add chapters, and sometimes whenever it feels like it. So I burn it w/ no chp. which takes about 4 hours. Then I take the dvd I made w/ NVE and use dvdshrink re-author to save it. I do this b/c I couldn't open the CSI avi file w/ DVDshrink. So, after I save it w/ DVDshrink, I go to DVDLab and add chapters and make my menus, since I didn't have any. And it works great. But as you can see, I do a lot of stuff, to acomplish my goal of burning a show w/ chapters and a menu from a download @ limewire. That's 2 dvds and a whole lot of time. Please tell me there's something that I can do, to convert my avi file and not go through this everytime.
Start here: http://members.shaw.ca/videojunk/avi2dvd.htm If that's too complicated, try these: http://members.shaw.ca/videojunk/all.htm
Get Gspot. Open your avi in it. It will tell you exactly what video and audio codecs the movie needs, and it will tell you if you already have them or not.