Hi All, I wish to burn DVD movie clips taken with my Panasonic Lumix DMZ-FZ50 camera. This digital camera does both still and movies. The burned DVDs movies will then be shown on my 16:9 widescreen 50 inch plasma tv. The Lumix camera records 16:9 aspect ratio movies with 848x480 resolution. 30 frames a second. I am using a dual core PC computer and Windows XP-Pro. I have a Light Scribe DVD burner. Having said all the above what NEWER version(s)? of Nero software can do this job with as few steps as possible and offer the highest movie resolution? Thats using a PC computer. Not a MAC. All help will be most appreciated. If you wish contact me directly at 65t@comcast.net Thanks, Tom Ferko
As far as I know, all the versions of Nero 7 do Open NeroVision, click on More...Default Video Options...DVD Video and here select 16:9 BTW: Edit out your email address, it's against forum rules and prevents scammers