what pc brand should i buy?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by hlpme_plz, Apr 17, 2003.

  1. hlpme_plz

    hlpme_plz Member

    Apr 6, 2003
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    i want to save up and by a nice windows xp pc and also a ipod with it. what kind of a pc should i get and also how should i get the money. any tips? thanx.
  2. tomster23

    tomster23 Member

    Apr 18, 2003
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    hey, i would recommend building your own computer if you know how to. It's not that hard and just requires some additional research. It will save you hundreds as well.
  3. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    This may sound funny but how computer scared are you? I ask this as now today PC are pretty much the same but the service is the difference. If you don't want to open the case, have most of what you want there and if you want something new for some one else to add it, then this will change the PC to buy. Also what country your in changes things. I am a Canadian and can tell you most of what applies for Canada and the US, but if your some where else then what I recomed may not apply.
    Dell compurters are good, pricey but good and if you don't know how to save a program (something to others that may seem like walking) a Dell person will sit on the phone and walk you through step by step how do do every thing. I recomend Dell even though expensive to grandparents and other slightly afraid of computers.
    Compaq are great ( or were great until HP bougth them) in a compaq you could add things, rip it appart change it all around and it was name brand.
    HP are good but don't open up the lid and change things. I find that HP is amazing for Printers and scanners but the computers can be tempromental.
    Toshiba are really good, High power and little trouble. I have a toshiba notebook so you known my bias.
    IBM I don't recomend, when you have IBM everthing added has to be IBM.
    Clones are you get what you pay for. I have had three clones and find that the cdrom drives and power supplies are not the best. I typically find that the power supply failes after about 2 years with some clones. But EVERY clone is different.

    So what I recommed is the computer that I bought in March, Toshiba 2450 notebook P4 2.8GHz, 512Mb Ram, DVD-RW burner, wirless lan and 60GB hard disc. Not much this can't do and comes with WinXP. But don't only consider cost and what you want to do with it, but if there is a problem where should your turn. I know a lot about hard ware (built my own 286 notbook in the day) so I buy for the first two reasons and fix it my self, this you must decide.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2003
  4. hlpme_plz

    hlpme_plz Member

    Apr 6, 2003
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    thanx guys, i appreciate the help, but i think i am gonna build my own pc. thanx

  5. thargor

    thargor Member

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Just before ypu finally buy, if you are UK based go along to a computer fair. I go to the one in Bristol and there are machines at prices and spec you cannot build for. I usually buy them for my clients and then as the dosh becomes available, upgrade the machine. I source the majority of my upgrades from there as well literally saving hundreds of pounds over a year.
  6. Super106

    Super106 Member

    Apr 21, 2003
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    Yes I agreed

    Buy which brand doesn't really matter, all you need to know is the internal hardware components of the computer, such as CPU, hard-drive, memory, etc.

    Tip of the day, if you are UK based, try and stay away from Time and Tiny computers. Although they offer very cheap PC with high specifications. But I've got several of my mates who had to take their PC back for refund due to PC reliablity and after sale service.

    Anyway here's my tip and the choice's yours.

    Good luck

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