Has anybody had problems with starviews in dublin? e.g. channels dropping, having to rescan (or does it do it automatically), jittery pictures. No new channels e.g. stetanta golf? I am wondering what the most foolproof/stable box is. I am happy with the dbox (nokias anyway). People are asking me to get them for them and set them up. If there is a change I dont want all these people ringing me up asking to come around and change settings etc. So would the starviews be a better option for people who wouldnt be confident about using settings/pcs?
i am in the same position with people askin me to get them a dbox because if it breakes i dont want to end up having to go to all these peoples houses the dbox is the best but if you are getting them for others and dont want hassle from them about problems then you should go for the eurovox,it has a better epg and is just better in general than starview and theres to much for people to break on the dbox by messing in menus. you pay for what you get,the eurovox feels heavier and in my opinion is better built that starview,it would be worth getting them to pay the extra as it will save you hassle.I was trying out my uncles starview the other day in knocklyon and the epg is just crap but you get all the channels,he says he hasnt had many problems though,but if i was buying one for him i would have bought the eurovox.just my 2 cents...
Cheers. I am going to try and get a loan of a starview for myself. Does anybody know if the eurovox, dreambox & starview brought in setanta golf automatically when introduced? I also noticed some dbox 2 images have an "expert mode", I think a dumbed down mode might stop people messing about with it. That was my worry too, people rescanning at the tiniest flicker in reception, even though a normal pace box may have been even worse at that moment. I have a terrible signal in one room in my house, serviced with a long length of cheapo coax. The TV reception is crap yet the sagem dbox is perfect on it, must try the pace and see which is better.