I have a softmod on my xbox. I had to hotswap to get it because I edited by ddp around with CASH v1.1 the other day and basically the disc edited by ddp me. So I hotswapped, got a working softmod on my box, and now I ran the dashboard. It is unleashx. I can FTP again(obviously) and unleashx created an eeprom backup for me. How can I get a working C (unsoftmodded) and E (unsoftmodded)? Does E have anything to do with the softmod at all? How can I create a disc that will restore my xbox to factory conditions without using xboxhdm, because my computer's IDE isn't long enough to plug in to the harddrive, so I had to use xplorer360. Basically I want to know how i can create a restore disc that will overwrite my C and E with ones that I download that are unmodded. Thanks
whatever softmod you used to install(splinter cell, mech assault, 007) just revert back to the softmod menu, remember when it says make a ms backup and a mod backup? well all you have to do is restore it back to normal, if using sid 4 it has the option to actually uninstall the softmod.
1) sorry for the language 2) I can't use xboxhdm because to do so I would need to use my primary IDE port, and my IDE cable isn't long enough. 3) I didn't "install" a softmod. I hotswapped because my xbox was broken. All I did was transfer a modded C and E drive over. Basically my dilemma right now is where to find an unmodded C and E. Anyone know where I can find a C and E?