I recently got my DS and I was wondering which DS card should I get. I would like to play GBA too and if you can, link me to the cheapest one thanks =]
1. If you wait for recommendations you will be waiting a long time. Everyone has their favorite based on specific functions and budget. it does me no good to recommend a CycloDS to you if you only want to spend $30USD. 2. I suggest that once you decide on what flashcart you want that you do your own shopping. Lowest price is not always the "cheapest". Also, this board is not a "shopping service" and if you don't take some responsibility to do your own homework how do you know it's the cheapest price? 3. Just think of it as one more step towards becoming a "grownup".
I already decided what I want. And I want the CycloDS which I'm getting from Realhotstuff.com. Now my last questions are: Does it have a high failure rate? and Does color matter?