Hi, I would like to know what software burns MPEG type file to CD-R? and still be able to play on home VCD/DVD player? Thank you~
try Nero its easy to use you can make a VCD or DVD with it EDIT: when i said [bold]make[/bold] i meant either convert/just burn
thats if its the correct format of mpeg, which is unlikely unless its specifically been converted to be a vcd or svcd mpeg. you can choose on the cd menu of nero to make a vcd or svcd but you need the plug in that will convert it to the correct format(if its not already in it). ive found that a better converter is winavi (i use and recomend version 5.7). you just pick the file, then choose to convert to vcd or svcd. after its done you can use nero and choose to make a vcd or svcd and just put that mpeg in, but it wont need to be converted so you can just burn it.