What the hell is wrong with my washer?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by TomMelee, Nov 1, 2006.

  1. TomMelee

    TomMelee Regular member

    Jun 13, 2004
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    So we picked up this lightly used Whirlpool WDSR2080D5WW washer. Oh, btw--I work for a nationally known nonprofit organization, it was donated to us.

    Plumbed 'er in, turned 'er on. Filled up, no problems. The I tried to make sure it was level and turned it on again...sort of a rhythmic screeching, although quiet, came out, so I turned it off and repositioned it. I assumed it was something pressing into the bottom, the noise stopped upon repositioning.

    Put in a load of clothes, and left. Came back 2 hours later (stupid, I know) and it was STILL RUNNING WATER. Ouch.

    So we made sure the drain pipe was not running uphill--it was, so we fixed that, releveled, perfectly level. Try again. De nada, turns on, does NOT fill, but will spin if you skip it to that cycle. Otherwise it freezes on fill.

    So we check the drain, it's constantly emptying, even in fill cycle, which is why it won't progress--because it's not full.

    So I remember an old washer I had where the solenoid got jammed once and there was a manual switch you could throw to make sure it was closing....this one doesn't have that.

    So here's the final story:
    It turns on, turns on correct water
    freezes in fill cycle, impeller NOT running, but also NOT plunging forward to plug the hole.
    If you skip it forward to spin cycle, it works fine, Powered discharge works fine (the impeller is forcing thru water)

    There is no obvious physical damage to the pump...connections are all good.

    So tell me...is it the pump or the central control unit? Why? Also, please tell me it's the pump... ;)

    I can buy a new one on ebay for like $25 shipped, which is way better than GE's $70+ shipping...so it's not a big deal, it was a free washer.

    Really, I respect anyone's opinion. Obviously, paying a repairman isn't something I can really afford to do. I purchased the donated machine from the nonprofit from which I work, so I can't beg free services either.

    Thanks everyone!
  2. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    you got to look at one thing it was given to you , do you know who had it before you got it? if so ask the the people what is wrong with it! also washing machines new ones are cheep when you compare to going to the laundry mat, it my be the timer is bad and if you start puting money into a used machine you would be better off buying new, also if you are working for a nationally known
    nonprofit organization you can get it tax free, also you might even try asking a big box retailer to donate one to your organization, you never know they might say yes, the worst they could say is no right? good luck
  3. TomMelee

    TomMelee Regular member

    Jun 13, 2004
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    Well, here's the thing--I might have forgotten to mention, it's not old, it's almost newish, a 2005 model.

    And as for working for a nonprofit, I do, but it's my own personal home machine now, I can't use my business affiliation to get any cookies.

    I can get a new pump for about $28...

  4. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Sounds like the control/time knob is kaput since it will fill and not advance. Yet it washes and discharges. The pump is fine or it would not do thiese things. TIMER! if it will do everything if you advance it yourself.
  5. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Indeed, sounds like timer, or ccu problem *i know, you didn't want to hear that, but it's the truth!*
  6. TomMelee

    TomMelee Regular member

    Jun 13, 2004
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    Problem fixt. Wanna hear the solution? Washer was fine.

    Every other washer I've ever seen has the discharge hose @ the top of the machine. This one was at the bottom. I should have smelt trouble.

    The old washing machine I used to have had a solenoid activated plug that controlled the plug/drain action of the pump, so I assumed this one did too. Hint: this washer had no check valve and no powered plug.

    The plot thickened....

    Turns out the retard drain pipe HAS to be elevated ABOVE the level of the washtub to keep it from simply draining out the water w/ gravity...like I said there's no active plug. The retardation of the design is that there is probably at least 2 gallons of water in the drain line as the tank fills, simply because it fills to the same level as the water in the tub. Talk about a waste of water! But...that's the way the machine is supposed to work.

    So anyway, I had to make a floor drain into a standing vertical drain (90 degree elbow and some spare pipe), elevate the hose above the level of the tank, and FIXT. Works like two hairy mufflerflockers now.

    Thanks for trying!

  7. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Glad you got it to work. All washing machines I've seen have the drain located in the wall above the tub level. This creates a trap to keep odors from coming into machine. You'll notice that the dishwasher hose under the sink is above the level of the sink connection for the same effect.
  8. TomMelee

    TomMelee Regular member

    Jun 13, 2004
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    Yea...the bugger also has a proprietary discharge hose...that I cut before I knew it had to go up...oh well. I've juryrigged another one.

    If Whirlpool didn't have a 2 million dollar a year partnership w/ the nonprofit I work for (on a national level, not just our local one), I'd be awfully ticked at 'em. I mean, I payed for my washer, but I gotta support a company that gives away $2m a year to a good cause.


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