Hi, I have UnleashedX an I want to know the things I could do with my softmodded xbox. Such as the emulator for example, where do I get it, and how do I do it? Also with the applications. Can you download more applications? If so, where? What I'm really concerned about though is the emulators subject. I would like to play N64 games over my xbox, it just seems really cool to me. BUT HOW ? P.S. I know the basics on how to FTP so you dont have to explain that much on that subject.
Im not that stupid i tried that and it doesnt work, I type in #xbins and it never connects and im not geting anyhelp for it either.
http://www.a4h.us has some downloads in their site......Im not sure but I think the took them down Now this isn't piracy or anythin but you might find some stuff on torrents