I'm looking to get a cable box, but which one ? I've been reading this forum for a while, and seen problems that occur on different boxes, and concluded that the best one to get is the dreambox 500c or the dbox2. Would you agree with this, and if so which one should I go for out of those two ? I welcome your comments.............
me also thinking of getting a Nokia Dbox havnt a clue what else i need to by to set it up i have the telewest BB
so how do you set this up split the cable using a two way splitter and where does that go into? Scart lead to connect Dbox and TV
Hey Sooty....you hijacked my thread !! The question is, which one to go for ? Not how to set it up. That comes later, maybe....
I don't actually have one myself but this is from reading all the different forums. The cable in from CC needs to be have splitter one to your subbed box and one to your Dm 500c. There should be a RF on your the cable goes into there. The Ethernet port is for connecting to your pc so that you can manage the DM 500c and also record to your pc. the RS232 is to flash the f/w. From what I have read the Eurovox are great and are literlly plug and play. The dreambox are crap if have low signals otherwise they cando more than most of other boxes. Sorry a bit breif.
Easy set up Its basically plug and play you need the Eurovox box and splitter you will need a splitter this is where i got mine from http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SPLITTER-KIT-...oryZ4693QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem