what to use to burn this file ive never seen it before

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by djxedxd, Jul 12, 2004.

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  1. djxedxd

    djxedxd Guest

    to make this very easy is there a guide that tells you what to do with the files that are put in a torrent there are so many different type of files and ways to burn them it would be nice to be able to check a guide to see what to do with what. any ideas

    like this one[rymes with]:Ran.Smelsing.TELECINE.DVDR.Replica-KozmaOne
    with files like this these [rep-vhtc.r00,rep-vhtc.r01,rep-vhtc.r02, all the way to 92 then,rep-vhtc.sfv,and only one VOB. file and its for the sample[rep-vhtc-sample.vob]i got this from supernova ive never had a prob i couldnt figure out till now so if it a stupid thing that i shouldve been able to figure out sorry im losted

  2. deadcat

    deadcat Regular member

    Apr 12, 2004
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    [rymes with]:Ran.Smelsing

    Change Ran.Smelsing to "Van.Helsing" and you wont have a problem

    Of course if you beleive that then you should also believe that downloading movies is piracy, and that would be against the rules now wouldnt it??? Perhaps we should re-read them??

    Trust me, backing up a movie is alot easier if you have the original at hand, and a lot more legal :)
  3. DiRect

    DiRect Regular member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    Yes, it's illegal to download movies from the net and than put them on a DVD-R. Also these won't help you a lot because they won't be the exact DVD Quality. Might as well have the original movie, will work much better.!
  4. djxedxd

    djxedxd Guest

    ok lets say i got confused and didnt even know what the movie was and was oblivious to what the rules were how would one go about burning the movie

    What option on nero would do this and what would it come out as

    now remember im totally oblivious and not sure what im doing lol
  5. sly_61019

    sly_61019 Senior member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    if your going to commit piracy, at least know what your are doing.
  6. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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  7. Damon1

    Damon1 Regular member

    Jul 23, 2003
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    Post edited by myself

    Nephilim, haven't seen you in #ad_buddies for a bit, come on back in one day :)


    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]AKA: TRHR.
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    Last edited: Aug 1, 2004
  8. rebs1

    rebs1 Member

    Aug 1, 2004
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    i have also downloaded this movie.the only application that i have that will open it is copytodvd. it tells me the file is too large to burn.
    dvd shrink does not recognize the file format. i know i am a newbie but i too would appreciate help with this.
  9. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I think you missed the gist of this thread. We're not here to help people with pirated material such as movies downloaded from the internet.

    Please read the forum rules (especially #5) before posting again :)
  10. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Yes, we all had to learn from somewhere but that somewhere is not here and you know it -


    One would have thought you could read.

    Look for help for your PIRACY somewhere else, NOT HERE !


  11. Damon1

    Damon1 Regular member

    Jul 23, 2003
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    My post is a little misleading (It musta been late at night, when I wrote that or something), I didn't mean learning how to downloading anything, I meant learning how to uncompress split rar files.

    I still can't believe what I wrote actually, it's really not what I meant, I musta been smoking crack or something, lol.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]AKA: TRHR.
    Come say hello and join the Afterdawn IRC Channel
    server: irc.addictz.net
    Channel: #ad_buddies
    Darth's IRC guide: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/47221[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2004
  12. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I'll be popping in sooner or later :)
  13. djxedxd

    djxedxd Guest

    since when is ran smellsing a pirated movie do a search hmm no such movie ergo no piracy being commited here deadcat is the one who said the movie was van helsing oh no better edit that were all gonna fry lol
  14. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Telecine is a movie that's still in theaters and offered on IRC dipshit.
  15. sly_61019

    sly_61019 Senior member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    you also said it rhymes with ran smellsing
  16. djxedxd

    djxedxd Guest

    oh , oh, you did it again you said that tesinky word ooooo you did it now and just cause i said rymes with....... it could be can pellsing for all you know a documentary on pellsing stuff, very educational you know. You sure know alot about those movies and where to get them though Nephilim for someone thats against piracy that is hmmmmmm makes ya wonder.
  17. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    dixiedvd, why are you wondering ?

    One might know where hookers frequent but that doesn't make you a "whore" or a "John." -

    We're quite aware where the Piracy comes from and what type of file it's in when it's downloaded. That's how we're able to ban Newbies who come here looking for help with their illegal activates.

    and Just in case you're so full of your thievin’ little self you haven't gotten the message yet -

    The message is - You are on the ragged edge of being asked to leave - - No, strike that - cause we don't ask pple to leave - we make that decision for them -

    A/D is a pretty good forum, are you sure you won't mind living without us ? It surly won't bother us -

    You might want to read pour rules and abide by them and NOT run your mouth against those trying to help you see the light -

    The choice is yours Newbie -


    You're on the same road junior, are you really sure you want to stay on the side of your, "not too bright so far," Buddy ? It's not hard at all to deal with you both, kind of like a, "2 for 1 special".

    A quick "I'm sorry Nephilim and, I won't slip up again." Would be an excellent start -

    As I've already mentioned to, "didnt even know what the movie was and was oblivious to what the rules were." genius boy,

    The choice is yours Newbie -

  18. djxedxd

    djxedxd Guest

    ok here is the bottom line i was trying to stay within the rules by saying that it was ran smellsing not able to be pinned to anything cause its not correct yada yada and stuff now what i was oblivious to was that telcine only made pirated crap i always thought they were bigger than that and had other stuff goin on too. And i was just trying to point out that i was tryin to follow the rules it was everyone else that kept sayin the name of the movie and i was just jokeing around about it not trying to be a smartass so yes i apolligize but not
  19. Deeman

    Deeman Guest

    Will the moderator please BOOM this thread, I just like it when that happens.
  20. djxedxd

    djxedxd Guest

    but im apolligizeing for that only not to nephilium this site has been very helpful to me and informative not to mention everything else it has on it but when im called a dipshit for not knowing something its really uncalled for so nephilim gets no love and im far from being a newbie i usually dont need on help with stuff and i usually find my answer in the post before i have to ask someone hence the lack of posts i have on this sight so you see this is a two way street so stuff like junior and genius boy need to get off at the next exit
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