A friend in work bought an R4 card and has asked me to have a look as it was setup and working ok, then it stopped working, just want to know how do i tell which version of a clone or real one i have, and is there a flash program to re-write to the card to corret it?
hello... i was reading a few threads and apparently if you have the r4 sdhc its considered a clone which thats the r4 i have... if it just says r4 its the original.. either or you can get a firmware for both clone or non clone R4.. With my R4 i can formate it i keep trying but some menu screen keeps popping up... can u help me also??
Trial and error I am afraid The site in my signature hosts all the firmwares (23 R4 - types!) try the likely candidated and see how you get on
ok thanks, i guess its just a case of seeing what the sticker says, is there any damage cause to the R4's by using the wrong firmware or is it just simply a case of it won't load.
Loading! That is the issue - if you have an original then the SD card can only be up to 2GB SDHC as they say can take the higher spec cards