I wanted to know which versions of the software I should download? Evolution X xcmommander donglefree dvd xbox media player Does slayer 2.5 have all thos apps in it? can some give me a list of apps included in slayer, and are they current? Also are these the only software I need to get my modded 1 month old xbox up and running? __X_X_X_X_X_[small]Newbie DVDer[/small]
well if you just want to get it up and running all you need is a BIOS and a dash. then you can just install whatever apps you want_X_X_X_X_X_[small]Jslayer[/small]
Does the modd chip come flashed. i was thinking about getting the xecuter lite. Also what about the current versions of the software.
I dont have that chip, but i dont think it comes flashed. As for the latest software: 1)evolution x - Evoxm7 bios 2)not sure 3)donglefree dvd -dvdx2.0 4)xbox media player - XBM2.4