when i start up utorrent it says "utorrent is not compatible with nvidia firewall. that prgrm contains severe bugs and might cause utorrent to crash" is it safe to just dlt nvidia firewall? note: i have kaspersky
kasperky or whatever is an antivirus program isnt it. i use zonealarm and have absolutely no problems with utorrent nvidia firewall im not too sure if its any good... no body uses it from what i have seen around the forum
Nvidia firewall is a pain to uninstall,if your lucky enough to get rid of it use Zonealarm or Comodo.I've been using Comodo for a couple months now and had no problems...and it's free!
What does dlt mean? Can't anyone write properly nowadays, or do have to put up with this f***ing annoying text talk sh*t? This is not a f***ing teenage forum, it is for everyone.