A dvd recorder is a device to record on dvd recordable disks. Either from broadcast or camcorder or other video signal.. then with a little bit of luck you can watch it back... Same as a vcr really, except it uses the disks instead of tapes, though how somebody who lives in the 21st century can fail to know what one is does surprise me.
arg i'll be honest dats a dumb question, if you can open a thread you can also freakin google things] google.com am not angry or upset argh, just remember you can get the answer like this faster and easier
well, sure I can check it out on wikipedia or whatever, if I'm that good at English, which I dont....to really understand a page on wikipedia or some other article, it needs hard concentration and probably a lot of visit to a dictionary on my part....so usually, I'm just taking the easier way and ask in forums....coz usually forums use more "day to day english", which I can understand faster and more clearly. and frankly, a lot of people in my country don't have a clue what a dvd decorder is, either because we really dont know, or because we call it differently....so there u go....
ooppss sorry left behind, I noticed Varnull answered something bout dvd recorder, but my question is bout dvd decorder...Is it the same thing?....thx
Ive never heard of a decorder. Maybe its something new, but most ppl will think you mis-spelled dvd recorder. And searching a dictionary doesnt help if you mis-spell. I did a google search on this, and it came up with DVD DECODERs and funny enough DVD DECORDERS, which seems to be mostly software to decode DVDs. If you have some other kind of DVD decoding software running on the same system as Anydvd, then yes, remove that, and let Anydvd play by itself. You may be getting a conflict of programs if you have 2 decoding programs trying to work on the same drive.