Hello, I wanted to know your opinions on which is better; An internal burner drive or an external one. I myself have an external drive which i have found to be very useful. I know a few ppl who have an internal drive which replaced there normal drive and when they burn things, they have to put the movie in then out and put a blank. Thats what i like about external. Im going to go ahead and put a 1 for external. I don't want people to come on this thread and just say internal or external, i want a reason why they picked it. External 1 - Internal 0
I like My dvd cd drives internal. (I had a dvd burner in an external case and I was always having problems/errors etc) I like my Hard drive external. (That way I can Hide it or take it to people's house etc.)
I'd say that internal drives are the way to go unless you are lacking drive space or just want some cool, flashing enclosure on top of your Pc! You are less likely to encounter problems with internals drives too as it is direct to IDE, not via USB. And why would you need to hide your HDD then Ninvin ;-)
Yeah your right I agree 100% stick with internal. I bought a metal gear box because it lights up a pretty blue I ended up Putting My HDD in there because of burning errors. LOL,I hide everything,I live in a bad neighborhood. WoW Ripper your an Addict When did that happen? I new you were an AD addict but I didn't no they labeled you. By the way when are you going to make me one of them nice looking sigs? Man dude the one you have now is beautiful. Look at mine compared to yours. LOL (I'm slowly getting better tho)
I got made Addict a day or so ago. Scarily, I've been heer just over a year and have over 4000 posts. Lol. Anyway, that's by the by. If you want a sig, just PM me with what you'd like in it and a style. Also, if you want some tips on PS, read up in mine and corn's shoutboxes. I've been giving him a hand with gfx. Anyway, as we're going off topic, i'm off this thread. Catchya in a PM ninvin