I have replaced my desktop with a HP zd8008 (Mutts nuts in my opinion) and i am gonna sell my desktop in the local bargain pages. I built it myself and what price would you slap on it? Pentium 4 2.53Ghz @ 3.0Ghz 1GB DDR 80GB HardDrive 64MB geforce fx5200 DVD DVD Writer 17" CRT Bass speaker two sattelites Digital case front with neon lights and fans and all crap mouse , keyboard Windows media centre All opinions welcome
I was going to ebay it, but then the delivery cost of the whole lot with the monitor would be about £40-50. Then again i could just ebay it without the monitor cause you can pick them up brand new from £60. And another negative about ebay is that paypal rob loads of your money before you get it. I dunno?
When i say old i mean my previous/old PC. I did orignally buy it 2003 but the only original items left is the processor, Hard drive and monitor. I never did get people that needed massive hard drives when you have a dvd writer. I thought the reason peeps had them was to back up there items. Cheers