Whats the best DVD Player

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by Pete917, Mar 25, 2007.

  1. Pete917

    Pete917 Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    I have a Panasonic DVD-S27.

    I have noticed that one or two discs that I rip dont want to play or skip. My friend has the cheapest DVD player and seem to play all.....

    Can any recommend a good all round player. I wouldnt mind consiering a polayer that upscales as well. It would be useful to have digital audio and s-video out as I run it through a surround sound system.

    All helps or views greatly appreciated
  2. david66

    david66 Regular member

    Apr 17, 2004
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    check out the OPPO hd970 it will play just about anything from dvds to sacds dvdaudio
  3. dvdlover7

    dvdlover7 Guest

    Pete917,,problem was because good brand dvd players they use class A laser lens that produce very good image quality but there is problem it's too sensitive to scratch dvd or pirate dvd even on import dvd which do no have good finish when they make back up..if you buy some china dvd player (but no brands) some time you never heard of it but it's does good job on watch dvd...hope this help.
  4. Pete917

    Pete917 Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Thanks DVD Lover

    Interestingly I have been using Verbatim single layer discs aqnd have still had the occasional problem. The first time I used a dual layer dvd (albeit not verbatim) it wouldn't play.

    Interesting point though on the quality of the dvd player and laser.

  5. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Pete917 ... upconverting DVD players are awesome, I have an oppo and don't regret it for a moment but be careful because most of them only upconvert on HDMI or DVI. I would stay away from Toshiba's HD DVD or Blue Ray for now; its only logical that one of them will fall by the wayside like the VHS/Beta wars of twenty years ago.
  6. ratmboy82

    ratmboy82 Member

    Aug 20, 2006
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    I agree with Dvdlover too. I recently replaced my dvd/tv player combo (cheap brand) with a standalone, better quality dvd player (samsung)and I found that I couldn't play a bunch of my burned dvds that I was previously able too. Mini boxes (pixalated?) would appear everywhere and the movie would freeze. But it would play in my dvd/tv combo (most burnt movies would). The cheaper dvd/tv combo also would play most scratched dvds that the samsung wouldn't. So you're substituting quality for the ability to play lower quality dvd's (which is fine with me). Also, when using dvd shrink, make sure the compression is not below %60 because the samsung would not play it. On the other hand, the dvd/tv combo would play a movie at %50 compression. I'm looking to replace my samsung with a cheaper dvd player. Other than using price as a comparison, anybody have any recommendations for a dvd player that will play most copied movies? Quality is not big of an issue. Just wanted to add my two cents.

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