I went and bought a dbox and forgot to check if it was in debug mode (forgot since 99% of the ones I see are in debug mode) Is there anyway to do it without a null modem cable? I only have cat5 crossover cable, but could get a loan or buy a null modem cable if needs be. I found this guide http://www.dietmar-h.net/mhc_debug_en.html Also found out my code is 017a10081320008 which is meant to mean it is much harder to do... EDIT: This guide seems a bit better http://cardsharing.homelinux.com/dbox2_tutorial.pdf In that guide it says... Do I need that image? could I put on an image from a working nokia dbox? I have a working image so could flash it, or generate a new one? but which one should I create, I am guessing it should not be the usual "without bootloader file"
Debug enable has nothing to do with a image. You have to change a option inside the bootloader software. You need the method with flashreset and ppcboot. The method for a nokia BMon1.0 2xintel is not translated at the dietmarh site. You have to find a english version by yourself.
I knew I couldnt just flash on an image. But that guy talked of using an image called "Zgore17072004" I wondered if I needed that or if I could use one of my own images (after doing all the other stuff) The guide for dummies has it in english. Thanks