i'm currently using limewire but can't get some movies and no albums just single songs, any alternitives?? thanks
Hi neckface The Nero forum is kinda the wrong one for this question but check out afterdawn software for mac stuff - link
Edited bold tags out of the title & moved to somewhere hopefully more appropriate (leading to more relevant replies one would think) ; )
i only use lime-wire for single songs, torrents are probably your best bet google for more info, remember only download music, movie etc. that you legally own <-- thats just my disclaimer
thanks ebody, i'll try all that info. and of course i would never download stuff i don't actually purchase!!
"... remember only download music, movie etc. that you legally own <-- thats just my disclaimer" trigga71, Can you explain more your statement? I'm new to the torrents and was wondering about your statement.
Azureus is also for mac, and is one of the better torrent programs (I'm not saying the best to avoid a flame war ). FrostWire is much better than LimeWire and is free and also for mac.
well most people download "pirate" music, movies etc. Me telling you about torrents is fine but i was just remineding everyone to download stuff they already own legally. As some peolpe cant make backup copys on say there Wii games because there on a mac. Just a reminder thats all
I agree. I am very new to mac, and was looking for a torrent program similar to utorrent. I couldnt find anything really close, or at least so far. Azureus isnt to bad, and has the most features and controls. As for P2P, I am not familiar at all. I havent used one in quite some time. But I do occasionally use frostwire, and i havnt had a problem yet with it
I use frostwire/azureus on my macbook, and frostwire/utorrent on my PC desktop... Both sets work perfectly and the speeds are great! good luck.