hi all i have been useeing window washer for years is there anything better than that out for cleaning internet
Hello, WOZZA1970 Please do not double post. Thank you. Use the search function also, before you post. That is VERY important. Thank you. What you're looking for is a registry cleaner, yes? One that can clean out temporary internet files, temporary files, bad registry keys, and everything that slows down your computer. Are you willing to pay money? Registry Mechanic ( http://www.pctools.com/registry-mechanic/download/ ) It used to be free, but you need to pay for it now. A little comparison can be found here ( http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=...XB7w&q=http://www.registrycleanertools.com.cn ) I have no personal experience with any of those programs, but you can have a look. Are you unwilling to pay money? Free registry defrag ( http://www.registry-clean.net/free-registry-defrag.htm ) is a nice little tool I use. Before you clean your PC... Backup everything, just in case. Hope I helped. Remember to read after dawn rules!