Besides robbing a bank, anyone know or have any good ideas on making some real money? There has to be a easier way then working you A*S off at the factory from 9 to 5 everyday. Anyone? How are people making their money?
Invest, Invest, and then invest some more. Make your money work for you. Be Smart, ever notice how most and I say most rich people are very smart. Find your Niche. Buy realestate. Start a business that no one has thought of that people need. Did I mention invest? Get a Degree. Sell crack...erm...nevermind. Climb the cooporate ladder. Well those are just a few ideas of the top of my head.
Come on. Seriously? You sound like my dad. Isn't there a easy way to make cash without having to do much work? What's the easiest way to make money without having to do anything.
Get a trade, then just work for yourself. Thats what im trying to do, you dont have to be on the bones of your ass because you can work as you learn rather than going to tech and being a poor ass. But most of all luck, sell everything you have and bet on a horse because from that reply to Ronin i think thats the only option you ahve.
Yes ... Buy a color laser jet printer, some quality paper with a cloth feel to it and lots of toner Go into the counterfeiting business
LMAO Might get you behind bars that one,But you wont be the first, now getting money:do you want it to be a good way, or you dont mind breakign some hearts and sins on the way...?
without havign to do anything?..hmmm...well you could be a pornstar...(not old enuf are you) an instrument in the local town hall...
@BigDK...he-he-he that was pretty good lol! Given your username, it sounds like you may have some experience in that area...or is it dilusions of grandeur LOL?
@Ireland: we all know that's you Ireland making some spare change...Is that a pistol in your speedo or are you just glad to see me?
I am seriously thinking about doing studiotraffic, but I don't have a phone number and can't sign up a account there, because they ask for a phone number, but I don't have phone service. Is there another way to sigun up there without a valid phone number? Do they seriously call you to verify your account?