Hey guys Just wondering if someone could give me any tips to what is the best SATA drive to buy?!?! I have got an NEC AD-7170S SATA drive, purchased it about a month ago and have had nothing but trouble with it, and its driving me mad with the amount of coasters its making, even failing on Verbatims!!! Thanks for any help!!
Samsung 203B is getting rave reviews over at CDFreaks right now...I just with I had sata capabilities as I'd snatch one of these drives up for myself. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827151153
The Samsung 203B is the one to get right now.I dont have it but do have 7 of the older Samsung S183L SATA drive's that are great and the 203B is suppose to be even beter.