They are both types of digital audio used in movie soundtracks. Many people feel DTS is superior as it usually is authored at a higher bit rate but, that doesn't make it better.
another thing to remember is that unless you have a dts enabled player and reciever, you cannot play dts (ie there will be no sound). With dolby digital, if you don't have the setup, it will just convert it to stereo sound.
no, you have to have a dts reciever also. If you don't have a reciever, there is no point anyways since you don't have surround sound speakers. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]V9 PS2, flip top, SMD, DVDLoader Pioneer 107, ritek g04 DVD Shrink, DVD Decrypter, Nero[/small]
Having the DTS logo means that your player can read it from the DVD. I know of no standalone player that is also a stereo receiver so you must also have a stereo receiver that's DTS capable too