What's up with canopus procoder's aspect setting's

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by born1974, Mar 26, 2005.

  1. born1974

    born1974 Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    I would do every kind of convertion in canopus because it doe's it right except for one thing that is mind boggling. undr source you can set or change the video aspect/pixle ratio to make a differnt size output. both aspect and pixle go hand in hand. you change one the other changes or vise versa. i understand that. HERE'S WHAT"S WEIRD. starting with sqaure pixle, witch means that the output will be the size as the input,at least for avi files witch are square pixle usally, the encoding works harder takes longer and the resualt is a video that looks pixled on playback. iv'e herd of pixle/ratio flags and i know what that is. i don't think that is the problem because if i set the aspect/pixle ratio just slightly lower on the hight side, say 9:8 pixle ratio, the encoding process is twice as fast and the result is a good looking picture. on the other hand if i set it at 9:7, it is slow and the result is bad again. or going the other way making the ratio higher on the hight side, say 9:10 it's good again, 9:9= bad , 9:8= good, 16:9= bad, 4:3 = bad, 8:6,good , or somtimes i might type in 720x480= bad, 720x 437 might be good again. why is it that during various stages of sixe changing doe's it do that. and it seems like just one small change will set it off like going from say, 640x300 to 640x301 or 400x250 to 395x 250. I usally can tell right off the bat if the resault is going to be pixley looking because when i hit the convert button it shows you how fast in realtime it's encoding. when hangs around .30 to.40 x realtime the resault is bad. around .70 up to 1.2 x realtime it looks good. now if i get a source file that is 4:3 fullscreen i can only make the hight bigger or smaller because the ratio that is slow and bad looking just so hapens to be 1:1 ratio-square. so with 4:3 i would have to go smaller on the hight or else it will start to crop, witch is fine bcause i do like a little widescreen, like 16:9 or close to it. but can't figure why i can't just type in any ol' thing, with in reason anyways, and have it work. it's not the codec's ether because it doesn't allways use the same one. but usally it uses ether the new divx or xvid one. PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN. THANX.
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Well one thing I can suggest is to not do your Resizeing useing Procoder and learn how to use "AVISynth" and use it to Resize your Files and Frameserve them to Procoder...

    I have also had Problems with getting Procoder to Resize my files so they Looked Proper and in the Correct Aspect ratio but I never had the Pixelation problem you are Haveing ,well unless I was resizeing from a very Low resolution to a High Resolution but that is caused for resizeing up to much and not procoder...I do all my resizeing and Filtering and even FrameRate conversions useing AVISynth and the Output allways looks the same as the Input and the Results are allmost allways very Good....

  3. born1974

    born1974 Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    Will avisynth plugin with procoder so i can still use the resourses but just useing the resize in avisynth? and also do you think that when they made procoder they didn't look at the resize as a big thing and sort of just let only some ratio's work? I'm still confused as to why that would happen. if you were to start with an aspect ratio of 720x1 and slowly work your way up to 720x480 by 1 pixle increments, 720x1,720x2,720x3 etc... some work and some don't. Thant's messed up. That sounds to me like they were drunk when they did that part of the program and just cheezed in some numbers at random. Were can i find avisynth at. THANX FOR THE REPLY.
  4. born1974

    born1974 Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    O.K. i downloaded avisynth from this site. installed it, but what do i do now, theres no way to execute the program. all there is is a list plugins and exsamples scripts witch uses WMP for tests or somthing. so i tried canopus again to see maybe those plugins work, but it did'nt. are to differnt kinds of avisynth? I should be able to use that program adn open an avi file in it what i got now just asks for a url.
  5. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    AVISynth is a Scripting Program that uses Commands writted to Notepad to Implement it"s Functions...It is Quite Complicated if your Not very Computer savy..There is No GUI or interface you have to learn a form of Code called Scripting...

    720+1 is not an aspect ratio so I don"t know what you are getting at there....

    For makeing DVD"s you should only be useing these resolutions and aspect ratios..

    720+480 NTSC / 720+576-Pal Full D1
    704+480 NTSC / 704+576-Pal Broadcast D1
    352+480 NTSC / 352+576-Pal Half D1
    352+240 NTSC / 352+288-Pal SIF/CIF

    And only 4:3 and 16:9 are Supported for DVD so you should Only be concerned with these resolutions and aspect ratios when encodeing to Mpeg-2 for DVD all others should be Put out of your Mind as they are not relevant here....

  6. born1974

    born1974 Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    acually 720x1 is a resolution, the screen looks like one pixle line of movie running horizontal, but no that would be studid to use that. the was just an example. 16:9 and 4:3 are the formats tou can use for t.v., i know that but you can still resize the video size to what ever you want like 720:100 witch is about a 10:1 pixle ratio or close. the output is ether 16:9 or 4:3 of course. see what i'm saying you can have a movie that is 10 pixles wide and 1 pixle high but the format is still 4:3 or 16:9. i would never use 10:1 ether that's still just like a strip across the screen. But with avi synth i don't know what the hell that is and how it would help with canopus and i think your mistaking be on the resolution thing. i have watched movies on my t.v. that are 2:1, 2.35:1, 2:85:1 1:1 16:9, 4:3 , or even a rare one like 3.5:1 if i wanted to if the FORMAT is ether 4:3 or 16:9. those are the only formats canopus gives you for NTSC.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2005
  7. born1974

    born1974 Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    Iv'e been looking at avisynth and the only thing i can gether is that it's like a quicktime player for viewing things on the internet. you can't even put a video file in there all you get are all these test's bleeping sound sounds when you open up the example scripts, and why are they only example scrips how do you create your own? THANX FOR YOUR HELP THOUGH MY MIND IS FADING FAST.
  8. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    AVISynth can be used for Resizeing Converting Frame Rates and editing and Converting ColorSpaces and Sample rates and pretty much anything any High end Video editor and Encoder Can do but it is Complicated to use because you have to Learn how to Write a Form of Code called scripting...It is Proabably over your Head but if you know how to use it it would help you...

    PS: You can Not Create Mpeg files with a Resolution of 720+1 or 720+2 or 720+3 or 720+4 ot 720+5 ect because Mpeg files "MUST" be created with a resolution divisible By 8 Pixels and any other resolution will Just Look like a Pixelated Mess because it is Not supported in the Mpeg Standard and are Impossible to Create....

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