Is it just me or are there some people just not getting enough attention.It seems like there are just some hard headed folks that get offended over opinions.
which sort of forums, as haven't seen much of that in the ones i frequent, lately ??. (in fact that might be a clue in itself, as i rarely see your name in the forums i frequent. *cough* console forums by any chance *cough* getting warmer lol ?.. )
Most of the time I see it in the consoles versus threads alot.There are some people I guess they don't understand what an opinion is and get all twisted over it.If I go to any other forum I don't see it at all.It happens every once awhile in some other forums,but mainly it comes from the new gen console threads.
Yep ,love my games creaky and help out whenever I get the chance.I don't really post much though,because we have alot of great users that are extremely helpfull and beat me to the punch.
oops our replies crossed so mine didn't make sense.. - a-ha i thought as much. that's one reason why i pretty much stay away from console forums. but to be fair it's also cus i tend to buy a console (usually when it's old hat), a few games, and just aren't really bothered with all the techie specs of them, or anything like that..
have you gotten into it with somebody lately?personally i dont take offense to anything anybody says(well almost).ill say something back but im not fuming when i respond.i usually poke a little fun at the person but i dont try to get malicious with comments.if someone does think im trying to be mean then im sorry,but sometimes humor pisses some people off.i would then not joke with that person anymore.sometimes comments can be taken out of context which could start an argument.thats just goes to show how knowing how the person is saying something like the tone they use that cant be seen in typed text can affect the way it is interpreted.
I'm starting to lose interests in the game forums for the same reason(will stick around and help out,but just talking about a console seems to stir up trouble it seems).It just feels like a waste of time posting and getting useless feedback,because some people I guess don't understand what an opinion is.That is the best time to buy a console when it lowers down in price.I love games though so I try to get them as soon as possible,might wait for these next gen consoles though.I think they will be real expensive,but I'm not sure will have to see when they come out.
Yeah I try my best not to stir up any trouble(most of the time I'm pretty laid back),but when I get a response directed at me depending on what was said it normally turns out bad.I just react sometimes without actually thinking about it depending on what was said.I guess it is like a trigger,when I hear enough of something it makes me react.
i sometimes get baited into disputes over media as i feel strongly about bad media and comment on good/bad media quite a lot. but in my opinion the subjects that cause the most grief round here (and most places probably) are music, consoles, media. can't think of any more at the mo..
oh the great media debate.will it ever be depends on the compatibility with your burner and i leave it at that.the console debate is like a gang war.the xbox crew vs. the ps2 crew.mainly because most people cant afford both until after a few years when they come down in deciding which to invest in first becomes a dilema.and i havent been to the audio section yet.whats the arguments there?
i mean dvd media. a lot of us push decent media cus it's proven to pretty much work for most ppl, cus it's of proper quality. however some ppl defend bad media like they feel they have to defend it no matter what. which i find very strange. i don't defend decent media in the same way they defend the bad stuff. it's like they gotta really prove something, can't quite word what i think but that's pretty much what i'm tring to say
Ah man, I got into a flame the other day. Some idiot was advertising, and when i asked him to remove it, he started taking shots at me. That's the only time i tend to get heated, which i did. luckily i was backed up by Auslander and eventually flip banned him, but looking back, i hate getting goaded into flame wars! (most of his offensive posts have been edited XD Lethal
flame wars can turn ugly sometimes and end up with people getting banned but most the time they are pretty funny and amusing.
i was the one that banned deepndark, he had it coming. flip was in a good mood or something and just warned the bumhole, unfortunately for him, i wasn't in a good mood at all. in fact i'm purposely being in a bad mood lately just for these assholes that come along and stir up stuff. we got like half a million members now, so we can afford for me to stop putting up with peoples crap. not like i ever really did, but i have less patience and less tolerance for idiots lately.
Darth keep doing what you do best bro,there are alot of them like you mentioned and you do have a itchy trigger finger sometimes as I don't blame you man.Flip is nice and has patience,but alot of the times you do take action and it pays off I think.I see a couple of them throw a hissy fit and try to come back and start more non sense which I don't understand as they should know what the outcome will be.We have alot of great adders,but lately there has been alot of assholes.I remember not that long ago we used to have a ton of people that where just dedicated to helping out,but alot of new members just post to get status it seems now.Not trying to say there are not alot of new members that are helping out,just saying there is a majority of them that just care about status which has always been an issue I think.The people that evolve around status normally end up getting banned at some point in time as they make numerous posts about nothings and even troublesome posts sometimes.There are a few that are probably still around,but it is true alot of people that just worry about status normally get banned.For the new members if you read this don't worry about status and do what is right,help out whenever possible and make afterdawn better.By the way glad to hear from you Darth it has been awhile since I heard from you m8 along with alot of other adders I see here.
yeah im fairly new here.i do post in the xbox section and help out when i can.most the time i try not to start arguements i'd rather just post sarcastic comments or relavent comments.seems safety value is one place where you can talk about anything and there isn't a bunch of newbies asking the same old questions.
yeah it's an endless cycle, every few months we need a good cleaning. things have been a bit stranger than normal lately, but the more we grow i guess we're going to run into that sort of thing more than we used to.
people will argue about stuff.that is just human nature to disagree.especially in a help forum where everybody thinks they are right and everybody else is wrong.a little debating never hurt anyone but you have to know when youre debating and when it starts to become an argument.i wont lie,i like to jump in and have a little fun when someone is going off the deep end and making a scene.usually there are people trying to talk sense to the person while that person is just being beligerent to throwing a sarcastic statement in there might calm things down.if not,im sure the mods will handle the problem at that point. but the safety valve is where the action is at.its basically the place to go to act a fool(well to a point).i dont think most newbies know about this forum.
I like the safety valve as I see Neph gets alot of attention from other members.It is funny as hell seeing some of the posts here in the safety valve.I admit I have had some laughs at some of things brought up in the safety valve.Hahahaha lol that thread about Neph catching a fish is hilarious no lie.
I use to post a suggestion or nice remark when I noticed someone breaking the rules so they would correct their mistake. In most cases they don't listen anyway. Now days I just hit the Offensive Report button and let the mods decide how to handle it. You try to be nice and keep people out of trouble and usually get kicked for it. Jerry