Hi guys, maybe someone can help with this question. I currently have (2) Sony burners in my self built machine. One drive is a Sony DRU-700A. The second drive is a Sony DW-Q28A. I can't find this 2nd drive listed on Sony's web site. I purchased it from a friend on mine, since DVD-RW/DL drives are so cheap, I figured I might as well have a couple of'em. I have never heard of that model Sony DVD-RW/DL drive. It shows up in My Computer as a Sony Drive and Nero's Info Tool also shows it to be a Sony Drive. I just wanted to check the firmware version and update it if needed. In the dark about the Sony DW-Q28A. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks Milton
Here's a little info: http://www.videohelp.com/dvdwriters...=&orderby=Name&hits=25&Search=Search&country=
This is a rebadged Lite-on 1693 and is the OEM version of the Sony DRU-800. Sony generally does not support their OEM versions. I'm not familiar enough about firmware upgrading to know if you can flash it with 1693 or DRU-800 firmware. I just recently bought one and love it. Mike
MQM: Check this site: http://codeguys.rpc1.org/firmwares.html The fw for sony dru800a is KY04 The fw for lite-on 16932 is KS09. Seems to be a difference to me. There is also a crossflashing utility at that site for the KS0A for that litey,but that's a risky move. All the info and warnings are on that site. If you're not encountering problems with that burner,just leave it alone.It's handy to bookmark these web sites for future reference. My benq had a fw of B7-C9 and I finally updated to B7-V9 last weekend. Burned perfectly before and still ok so far.
Thanks guys. I'll take the advice and bookmark the site for late. I was just curious about the firmware, just in case it wasn't up to date. Looks like it is, so I'll let it burn 'til it stops.
Just checked the firmware for my drive. It's KYS1. Go figure. Anyway it burns fine, I was just curious about it. Thanks.
That's closer to the KYS2 firmware of the sony crx300E which is a rebadged Lite-on 48161H. That's odd...