Just wondering how everyone feels about the High Definition dvd battle. How many are into Home Theater and are very interested in the upcoming HD-DVD or Blu-Ray Technology?
I'm not only into hometheater, I work in the hometheater department of a major retailer. I am not pleased that the talks broke down between the two format backers (Toshiba and Sony). Does anyone know how hard it is to tell people the difference between DVD-R/RW/RAM and DVD+R/RW plus Composite, S-Video, Component, DVI, and HDMI? I'm not looking forward to selling HD-DVD players at all. Most people think that DVD is already high definition. With that said, I do think it will be cool to get true high-def (1080p) picture finally. Sony's Blue-Ray seems to have a future while HD-DVD seems to be based on the best of what we can do today. I was leaning toward HD-DVD untill I heard reports that JVC had manufatured a Duallayer BD that had a DVD layer and a BD layer. That would give Sony the same marketing power with a disc that can hold more data (later). The price per disc will come down with time like every other new technology if it catches on. Ced
@diabolos, I understand about discribing to people about the differences between s-vid, component, then throw in DVI and HDMI and people's minds cannot grapple with all the info. I typically show them through my Home Theater. They can see the difference, yet at times ou seem the lack of interest when it comes to paying for it. I agree that the break down in talks is not good for consumers. I think if HDTV through Sat. and cable would expand it's selection it could have helped prepare people a little better for the coming of HD DVD or Blu-Ray. Once people see HDTV on my Home Theater they loveit, especially sports. I do not know how the public will respond, I for one am looking forward to the additional resolution, after seeing movies on HDNET Movies! TNTHD will have a few movies that look exceptional in HD and then they will put some on that really to not take advantage of the additonal resolution, depth, sharpness, and color. Thank you for the input, I thought you had a lot of experience based on some of your posts. Have a good one my friend! MovieDud
Wow, Nero just sided with Blue-Ray! This could prove to be a serious blow to the HD-DVD format. I wonder how they will responed. Thankz, Ced
Well, I don't realy view the delay in "roll-out" a set back. I'd rather them realese a product when its ready then one pluaged with "bugs," gliches, and incompadiblity issues. HD-DVD is still on schedule to be released before the PS3. I think that the end of the year thing was just too stir up the media and retailers so they could get the word out about the new format. I kind of guessed about as much when Micro$oft confirmed that the X-Box 360 was going to be realesed without the support of either, even though they where working closly with Toshiba on a soulution that would bring HD-DVD to the X-Box 360. Ced
Blu-Ray and HD-DVD will be great and I can't wait. But, when you look at how expensive media like blank Dual-Layer DVD-R's still are. HD-DVD and Blu-Ray production are going to be expensive as hell for the first couple of years. That's why I don't know why they are talking about the stuff being released so soon. Look at how expensive Dual-Layer's still are. And they think Blu-Ray and HD-DVD are going to be affordable?
Yea, thats true. But I don't expect to do any recording with either format anytime soon. I am more concerned about the cost of the players and professional content. Sony is going to bite the bullet pretty hard to put Blue-Ray into PS3. Also I haven't heard that either of the formats will have be using the mutiple layer versions of the there disks at first. I did read that JVC has created a BD that has a DVD layer (I think DVD-9) and a Blue-Ray layer! Thats how they plan on sneeking it into peoples houses. When the time is right (or more affordable) they will purchase a BD player and see the same movie in HD. Ced