I pulled this from a site so check it out and post your opinions. Alabama's Supreme Court is allowing a lawsuit filed against Sony, Take-Two, and US retailers of Grand Theft Auto to be commenced later this year or in early 2007. 18 year old Devin Moore murdered two police officers and a dispatcher in June 2003, and although he pled not guilty because of a mental defect he was convicted of the crimes and sentenced to death. Now, the victims' families are going after those responsible for creating and distributing the game because they believed it trained Moore to become a killer. While the infamous Jack Thompson withdrew from the case after being accused for violating legal ethics, there will surely be other anti-videogames lawyers to take his place. It is possible to argue that playing GTA might have given Moore ideas about going on a killing rampage, but it's hard to see how pressing the circle button equates to acquiring and firing a gun in real life. Ultimately, it'll be up to Alabama's Supreme Court to make the final decision, but you can be sure that there will be plenty of money involved in the settlement if it goes in favor of the plaintiffs. My opinion, first the guy is 18. Second the game has a rating system. Third unless the guy was autistic or had some other mental problem his problems should be blamed either on his parents rearing him or just on himself. Do we blame killing on movies like terminator 2 or any other movie that is on tv. No so why do these people keep trying to justify things with video games. Why we are all at it lets all start sueing the porn companies when our underage daughters and sons have children at a young age. Or better yet, how bout i run someone over on the road with my car and then blame it on the popular game twisted metal. I was a freshman in highschool when Mortal Kombat was first released and it seem to start all this heat with the killing and violence in gaming due to all the explicit killing, blood and gore. Now after school, a few friends and i user to run the the local arcade and pour all of our quarters into these machines. Later MK was released to the home video gaming consoles but the big thing is that in our spare time we did not go around trying to pull of someones head with a spinal cord like subzero's original fatatlity in that game. We did things that normal teenagers did. We played basketball, football, hung out talking while checking out the females. These are thing a normal teenager does at that age. This has truely gotten to the point of being ridiculous. I admit video games did affect my GPA b.c i probably put in too many hours with that and on the basketball court while in highchool. I was a B\C student in highshool. I graduated in 1997 and i am currently working as a nurse(lpn) and currently taking classes to get my RN in nursing. My point is that video games did not have an affect on me later on in life. I dont steal, kill, rape, beat or do anything else to that nature. I still love and play video games now and always will. But i am married with one child and when i went to nursing school the first time i had enough sense to put my PS2 on the shelf and let it collect dust for a 2 years period. What do you guys think????
Because people nowadays refuse to take responsibility for their actions, they would rather blame someone else. Esp if they can make money on the way.
Although iam not going to read all that, (even though its not alot), i heard that Violence amongst teens dropped 10% in the past Decade. I would assume that video games had something to do with it. And personaly i do take responsiblity for all the effects it has on my academics, as in i know the consequences.