Title pretty much explains my dilemma. Makes very little sense to me. I also use Google Sidebar, with one of the gadgets being a shut down/restart. It happens with that and the usual Windows way.
Try one of these to solve your issue. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/311806 http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/helpandsupport/learnmore/russel_02may13.mspx http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article07-016
You could take out your hard drive and put it in another PC as the second hard drive and set it to secondary or slave. Then boot the pc and go to my computer, right click and format the hard drive, but you will probably have to install windows again if you do this and you will lose everything on the hard drive but its better than nothing.
Thx, they explain my exact problem, but they do not solve it. My hard drive is not upside down, and how would that affect it?
What's the problem.. I like quirks like that. You know the buttons are reversed so.... Upside down hdd.. That's serious. All your data will be in backwards as seen by everything else. The drive will need reminding which way up it is and the spin direction needs resetting. It's been reset in the wrong position in relation to the Earth's magnetic field.. possibly a manufacturing fault.. some do slip through. You need to take it out, hold it the right way up in your left hand and spin round anti clockwise at least 20 times. An old record turntable can be used with the drive upside down.. but it's not so much fun, especially at Christmas.
It's not upside down. I don't even need to check that for 3 reasons: 1. It's shutdown fine until recently. 2. It won't fit upside down. 3. My data is fine.