I have a copy of the key that I made, I wanted to know to make a back up copy of clone DVD and AnyDVD, I copied them to a CD from my computer. When I pulled them up to see if they copied ok they had the same number of bytes 762 but had only 2.0 KB on the disc and on the original on my computer there is 762 byts and 4.0 KB. Does that mean it all didn't copy. I just wanted to make sure I had a copy in case I couldn't download it again if my system crashed or I lost it. Anyone have some answers??
My AnyDVD is 1.16 Mb. CloneDVD2 is around 5.2Mb. Make sure you are copying "setupAnyDVD5511.exe" and [bold]NOT[/bold] "AnyDVD.exe". Download the latest version again of both programs. Then make a "Slysoft" folder. Then within this, create two more folders "AnyDVD" & "CloneDVD2". Inside the "AnyDVD" Folder, drag and drop the downloaded "setupAnyDVD5511.exe". Then drag and drop your "Key.AnyDVD". Do the same for the "CloneDVD2" folder, but use your CloneDVD2 files. Also the CloneDVD2 install is named "setupCloneDVD2Slysoft.exe" and [bold]NOT[/bold]"CloneDVD2.exe".
And Just FYI - also keep in mind - even though you will only be able to retrieve your keys (remember a key for EACH program) for 7 days off the net - I believe - If you ever need to get the setup again - you can always go back to the slysoft site and DL the latest version and you still should have no problems as long as you have those keys!!!! The KEYS are (respectively) ANYDVD approx. 289 bytes, CLONE approx. 299 bytes - DO NOT LOSE THOSE! In addition - as stated by Jaguargod, the SETUP - Anydvd 1.16 MB, Clone 5.10 MB - so depending on which setup you have it may vary slightly - but the approximations should be comparable. It is still important to keep your setups, I am just reminding you if you ever need the setup files again - you can retrieve them from the site if necessary.