Right now, I'm running Windows 7 on an Intel I7 930 with 6 GB of RAM. My motherboard just went out. I bought a replacement on eBay for 120 bucks. I know it's time to upgrade. I'm trying to pick the spot to make the most of my budget. I'm hoping to build a pretty good midrange system. I don't gain that much currently, but I might want to get back into it. A decent midrange graphics card is probably all I need. I have been out of the PC building arena for some time. I've been reading for the past couple weeks. It seems like the new AMD processors are really a sweet deal. I'm willing to spend about 700-$900 on a new motherboard, CPU, RAM and graphics card and SSD drive. I would also like to buy a new case with more fans. The room the system isin is warm to begin with. My budget is somewhat flexible. What I'm really trying to nail down is the timing of when to build. I know that there is always something newer and faster around the corner. But, I also know that with PC building, if you jump into early you get burned and if you're too late, you get burned. I know that the second-generation AMD Ryzen CPUs are coming out in April. I think I am leaning toward going with an AMD CPU. What other upcoming releases or events should I be on the lookout for? It is April the ideal time to build? Thank you in advance for the help
i would wait till april for the next ryzens to come out and see what happens with the first gen ryzens as far as prices go.for your budget you should be able to do something with say a ryzen 5.also post your existing specs to see if there is anything you can use with the new build.
Hi Aldan, Thank you for the reply. Sorry for my late response. For some reason, my own posts are not showing up in my account. Anyway, waiting till April is probably a good idea. Based upon what you have said. Here is what I am currently running. It is old. Windows 7 6 GB DDR three GTX 260-it just died I7 930 It's definitely time for an update. I am not as heavy into gaming and custom PCs as I used to be. I'm just trying to make my budget go as far as it can. I know there will always be something better around the corner. I just don't want to get burned with the timing. Thanks
Thanks, Aldan, I'm going to wait till the second generations come out. I think my budget is going to be $800, give or take a little bit here and there.
you could probably do a ryzen 3 system for pretty close to that.my old fx6300 build was about 700$cdn.the ryzen 3 will blow it away so to speak.i dont game either so it was the perfect build for me at the time.
Thanks for the advice. I don't game that much. But I could see myself getting back into it in the future. I think your advice may be on the money. I would be upgrading my current computer. All I would need to buy would be RAM, GPU, CPU and motherboard. Well, I would also like an SSD drive. I think sometimes many people get too caught up in benchmarks and the potential power of their system. Does 50 frames a second as opposed to 60 really make a tremendous difference for most people? I personally can't say that I wouldn't notice the difference.
What are you doing that requires another computer.Games still only use one core,i doubt i'd bother upgrading if i had your rig other than getting top of the line graphic card gt1080.Even medium settings on mine look dam good on a 2009 optiplex 755,quad (non hyperthread) & gt1030 (lowest end card in range).Can't play the latest sniper elite or was it ghost warrior without serious graphic stutter.So what is it want a new comp or need
Thanks for chiming in. It could be a little bit of want mixed with a little bit of need. I had a hardware issue that was preventing me from using the computer. I thought I needed to replace the motherboard. I did so. Turns out the issue was the graphics card. The system is seven years old. I told myself I would like to upgrade soon. (Maybe, I just got bit by the upgrade bug. But, you are right. There may not be a big need for an upgrade. I may just be better off with an SSD drive and a nice graphics card. Will my CPU seriously bottleneck the graphics card. I've noticed that graphics cards have considerably more ram now. Does this make bottlenecking by the CPU less of an issue?
If you have win 7 it has the system score.It'll give an idea where bottle neck is right now.At a guess it'll be the channels between the components,the hdd & ram.I doubt you'd notice a bottleneck as everything's done in fractions of a second.The odd test i've seen on pc world involves crysis & numerous other games lol & vid encoding along with 3d graphics n' stuff.It's all foreign to me unless you know what to look for,to know if there's any slow down.In your case,a budget of 800 is very limiting (it is over here,a budget pc for vid gaming & video encoding would set me back about 2 grand new & won't be top of the line)..Right now crysis 2 runs at max settings,crysis 3 at medium & pretty much every other game at medium unless it's old.Far cry 4 runs at medium,running it at high it begins to stutter.I suspect you could easily run them on high with the right graphic card..However before doing so,i'd think about exactly when you are going to go ahead,as the parts now are going to be cheaper down the line.In the end it's your money.Waiting can give you not only more money to play with you'll also pay less for the parts,as they come down & get a much better rig
upgrade your videocard & maybe get the ssd but not to big as just for windows. cpu is still good. Intel® Core™ i7-930 Processor https://ark.intel.com/products/4144...rocessor-8M-Cache-2_80-GHz-4_80-GTs-Intel-QPI https://ark.intel.com/products/codename/28102/Bloomfield
Thank you both for your advice. I think I just got bit by the upgrade bug. Right now, my desktop is dead. It needs a new graphics card. I much prefer working on my desktop as opposed to a laptop. I would like to get it going as soon and possible. Considering, I can't name a popular videogame on the market right now, I think, the cheapest decent GPU is what I need. Maybe the Nvidia 1050 or the Radeon equivalent. I forget what it's called of the moment. I'd probably go with whatever unit runs at a cooler temperature. My system can get hot and my room is already warm.