Where can i buy a d box2 that i can get before xmas??? help please i keep trying on ebay. does any1 know what the dreambox is like i see a lot of these about
due to xmas and if you buy one now from Germany you wont get it till new year. so best thing is to look for a UK buyer, I know you can find on on ebay.
Dreambox are the next generation on DBox, basically does what the DBox does, but has more functionality - you can buy three flavours of Dreambox from the basic model to the top of the range that has a hard drive built in thus you an use it as a PVR. They actually use similiair Linux based image files as the DBox. If you want more info, email me admin@netwave.redirectme.net and I wills end you some information on what the Dreambox can do.
Hi there anyone know if you buy a german nokia dbox2 can the image be changed to uk if so how much does it cost?
Thanks, how would i get a uk image for it to work in uk and will it work over here?, and the dbox2 has Linux NEUTRINO but not sportser is that a problem