Load up your MIRC client. If you dont have it then download it here http://www.mirc.com/get.html After you have that set up choose to connect to EFNET server. Once connected in efnet join the channel #xbins Now you are in #xbins simply follow the instructions. Heres what it says..... -onjoin- Welcome to #xbins! In Order to get FILES you must type /msg xbins !list he will then give you FTP info along with a username/password. You MUST be in this channel in order to recieve any info/files. So do it type: /msg xbins !list Now look for the little box that popped up. It should say something like.... <xbins> FTP ADDRESS: distribution.xbins.org PORT: 21 USERNAME: xxxxxx PASSWORD: xxxxxx NOTE: This Username And Password will be deleted upon connection for security reasons. This site contains 100% homebrew files and absolutly NO warez. Brought to you by #xbins and team xecuter <xbins> Each person is allowed 30 files a day. We do NOT tolerate GREED and you shall be banned if you break this rule. Got a ACCESS DENIED error? DON'T use IE or LeechFTP. Use FlashFXP/SmartFTP/CuteFTP for best Now load up Flash fxp and choose quick connect and use the settings that it gives you to connect to there server. ftp address should be: distribution.xbins.org port: 21 username: Use what they give you. password: use the one they give you. IMPORTANT: Stay in xbins till you are done, if you disconnect from mirc you will lose your download. Once inside you will see 3 folders, one for xbox, one for pc, and one for debug. Browse around the xbox one and you will find your apps that you are looking for. Once you see what you need just highlight what you want and transfer it to your computer. Happy Modding Peoples!!!
Or go to http://www.x-b-o-x.net and check the downloads section or http://www.x-tronix.net You have to create a account like you did for afterdawn but it is sooooo worth it!