where can i purchase a chorus box?

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by murphyai, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. murphyai

    murphyai Guest

    I've got chorus sagem itd 4400 box in the living room connected to the tv.

    however, i can't get a signal for a second tv off the second fplug connection on the box not even a analogue signal as there seems to be interference on each channel.

    this is probably scrambled from the box.

    just wondering where i can purchase one of these boxes.
    if i did get one would i have to programme the box as well or can that be done?

    desperate I.T. guy!!
  2. Robbiel

    Robbiel Member

    Oct 24, 2006
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  3. bakerboyz

    bakerboyz Guest

    i was told by a mate to go to clara market on sunday morning, there,s a guy there selling box,s for ch@rus and they are flashed and setup ready to go.he said he has a big billboard with ch@rus box,s on it. realy .
  4. cactikid

    cactikid Active member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    anybody that goes to a market and buys a box should know better and hopes that it will work lol,i heard a lad buying a box all the bells and whistles and usb looked great on the stall as people interested and bought.when brought home and plugged in did not work,when opened up a lump of wood to make box heavier and usb glued on.=seller had a good day.
  5. bakerboyz

    bakerboyz Guest

    i hear he is there every week and will install for more cash.
  6. satguy99

    satguy99 Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    google " eurovox tx " and will see lots of suppliers

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