The free software ___Puppetshop v1.0 can be downloaded from this exact location on the web. The AfterDawn member who gives me this valuable bit of information is a GENIUS in my book. I have already looked high & low on the web for this free software (it's used to create animation art.........and it's supposed to be awesome !!!). The sites I've been given do not, please make sure the site you post on this thread actually works. I just want to download this FREE software before it converts to some outrageous price. THANKS TO ALL WHO POST HERE !!! _____________________________________________________________________ Signed: Robert Singletary__Sunday May 22, 2005__4:24 A.M. (eastern standard time) USA _____________________________________________________________________ Click on link above to see puppetshop v1.0 appear in orange type on Yet, when I get there I'm stumped on how to download this FREE animation software. Tell me how to do it if YOU can figure it out. THANKS !!! Origin: Click on link under Origin to arrive at the last page of the thread on .............this is what peaked my interest !!! _____________________________________________________________________ Signed: Robert Singletary__Sunday May 22, 2005__7:45 A.M. (eastern standard time) USA
Well i see what you mean, you get to there site from the 2nd link and yes theres no way to download the trial version.So i did the next best thing i asked a mate who does graphics and is in to this area and he says that currently it is only a beta version available but you might like to try using CAT first until the other one comes out proper. [bold]C[/bold] Character [bold]A[/bold] Animation [bold]T[/bold] Toolkit 3dmax add on
MESSAGE FOR: andmerr _____________________________________________________________________ Dear andmerr, Thanks for taking the time to reply. Maybe in the near future one of your friends (or yourself) will see the download site activated again. If this happens.....please post it here. I'm on the lookout myself (sounded to me like traffic was soooooo heavy it crashed). I THINK IT WILL APPEAR AGAIN !! Puppetshop v1.0 ___for free as animation software sounds great to me. _____________________________________________________________________ Signed: Robert Singletary__Tuesday May 24, 2005__8:09 A.M. (eastern standard time) USA
If anyone is currently using the Puppetshop v1.0 free software, tell me what you like or dislike. Has this software made your animations easier to create ??, etc. Thanks for posting on this thread and providing more info on Puppetshop v1.0 free software. _____________________________________________________________________ Signed: Robert Singletary__Thursday May 26, 2005__4:05 P.M. (eastern standard time) USA
POST ANY ANIMATIONS DONE WITH Puppetshop v1.0 (the free software). Yes, if any members of have created any animations using Puppetshop v1.0 .....................please post them on this thread. I'll enjoy viewing every single work posted. [ hope you leave it in Quicktime version so it loads fast ]. THANKS !! _____________________________________________________________________ Signed: Robert Singletary__Monday June 6, 2005__2:54 P.M. (eastern standard time) USA
MESSAGE FOR: baabaa . Sorry, the link you provided doesn't function properly (check out the very last posting on that thread....khaos3d explains the problem). In fact, I'm a member of _____and you found the source of what peaked my interest in__Puppetshop v1.0__originally. Now that we're back to where I started, maybe SOMEONE will see this thread and post the current activated site where we can get the FREE download of Puppetshop v1.0 software !!! In short, we just need the site where we can download the entire software and have it function properly. Thanks again__baabaa___for trying. _____________________________________________________________________ Signed: Robert Singletary__Monday June 6, 2005__7:45 P.M. (eastern standard time) USA
MESSAGE FOR ALL AfterDawn MEMBERS. _____________________________________________________________________ Any new UPDATES or news related to the free software: Puppetshop v1.0 __???? Hope some genius here can find the exact location on the web where you can get this free software before it converts to a VERY EXPENSIVE SOFTWARE !!! All suggestions have failed so far. Need the exact location that actually works !! _________________________________________________________________ Signed: Robert Singletary__Wednesday June 15, 2005__4:31 A.M. (eastern standard time) USA
ANY NEW UPDATES RELATED TO Puppetshop v1.0 free software ?? ____________________________________________________________________ If you have any current information, please post your insights on this thread. _____________________THANKS !! _____________________________________________________________________ Signed: Robert Singletary_____Monday July 11, 2005__6:14 P.M. (eastern standard time) USA