That's an easy request ... here you go about halfway down the page ...
[ scogga ] Sorry for delay in respomce to your PM [trouble with ISP provider] I'm not sure but I don't think you will find a US version of firmware 1098 at the site given. I don't believe a serial # is required I don't have a Liteon named unit so I can't tell you how to determine the firmware on yours. I believe you said that you upgraded the firmware. If so you most likely have run into problems I mentioned on a a prior thread and post I have a copy of what is [Supposed To Be] the US 1098 firmware for the LiteOn 5005 --- [LNFA1098.ES3 --- 1,896kb file] ---- But I do not know if that is correct and I do not know if it can be or how it is used. I do know that this is an issue with this unit and this unit can be hacked with the proper firmware. As I understand it, firmware higher than 1098 can not be hacked [at present] You might try this site for info. [Edit] If the above file is correct I could send it to you But I can not vouch for it I am assuming that you are seaking a US version of the firmware